(no subject)

Jun 12, 2005 12:17

I decided to update so update i shall!
  • Only 1 person said they didnt like my lj backround, but that was the only vote so kirsten won. I changed it again, i like this one more
  • Been having band practice, weve run into some problems but that ok
  • Havin a end of skewl party thngy so thatll be fun
  • Cant think of nothin else exciting so im done

[x] Full Name: Travis Hosna
[x] Nicknames?: Pimp, that kid, him, trav, hoe, and hey asshole
[x] Birthdate: 11-17-89
[x] Birthplace: Washington
[x] Girlfriend?: Non exsistant
[x] Current Location: M room
[x] Eye Color: Blueish i think
[x] Favie alcoholic drink: All alcohal is tasty
[x] Hair Color: Brownish blondish
[x] Righty or Lefty: Righty
[x] Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
[x] Innie or Outtie: Innie



[x] The shoes you wore today: The same ones i always where
[x] Your eyes: Blueish i think
[x] Your fears: Fat people and........gays AHHHH

-----------------WHAT IS------------------

[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: Fatty
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: AHHHH the light burns!
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Depends on the girl
[x] Your best physical feature: ME!
[x] Your bedtime: 11ish, i need sleep
[x] Your most missed memory: Not being in skewl
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------

[x] Pepsi or coke: COKE
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: Taco bell fool
[x] Single or group dates: Any would be good
[x] Adidas or Nike: Etnies
[x] Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry: Vanillas always could i spose
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: French vanilla, i dont know which it is but thats what i like damnit
. -----------------DO YOU------------------

[x] Smoke: Smokers are jokers, lol
[x] Cuss: All the fuckin time what the hell were you thinkin bitch
[x] Take showers: Yes i dispise baths
[x] Have a crush(es): Hmmmmm i believe so
[x] Who are they: Well i sure like food
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: Wouldnt know
[x] Want to go to college: No but im gona have to
[x] Want to get married: Thatd be good evetually
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Nope i looked at my fingers everyday in keyboarding
[x] Believe in yourself: I spose
[x] Get motion sickness: Whats that?
[x] Think you're a health freak: Subconiously i guess, i never eat butter, i rip of the fat from bacon and all that so, kinda
[x] Get along with your parents: Fuck no
[x] Like thunderstorms: Yep theyr sweet
[x] Play an instrument: Guitar but im not awsm yet

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID/HAVE YOU------------

[x] Go to the mall: Nope
[x] Eaten sushi: Hmmm not that i remeber
[x] Been on stage: I ran on it with kodys hat screaming weeeeeeeee, that count?
[x] Been dumped: Ya hav 2 go out w/ som1 2 b dumped
[x] Gone skating: Yep
[x] Made homemade cookies: Id burn down my house making cookies
[x] Dyed/Highlighted your hair: No recently no
[x] Stolen anything: Yep:)

. -----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

[x] Flown on a plane: Not flown but iv been on
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: No, damn mom i told her i was allergic to rain, she said she was willing to take the chance
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Yep, didnt end well
[x] Cried during a Movie?: Well som1 hit me in the nads during a movie and it hurts so i got a lil teary, i spose that counts
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Im not into hentai sorry
[x] Had an imaginary friend: Hes not imaginary hes a real boy!
[x] Cut your hair: Yep, not anymore it turns out bad
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: HUH! sickos
[x] Been caught "doing something": What do u mean something, clarify damnit!
[x] Been called a tease: Ummm nope
[x] Gotten beaten up ?: Nope, i made everyone that messed with me personaly regret it
[x] Been in a fight: In elementary there was alot
[x] Punched another person: Duh
[x] Shoplifted: Everyday when i was in elementary
[x] Been in Love?: You alredy asked, im not answering again

-----------------THE FUTURE------------------

[x] Age you hope to be married: No specific age, it just gota be the right person
[x] Numbers and Names of Children: Dunno
[x] Describe your Dream Wedding: Itd be up 2 her, im not picky
[x] How do you want to die? Well if i become rich ill drive an expensive car out the back of a plane without a prarachute when im 80, thatd be a memorable death i think
[x] What do you want to be when you grow up?: I dunno
[x] What country would you most like to visit?: Canada so i can go up to everyone, ask em if theyr canadian then laf wen they say yes, same for china, and maybe africa
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------

[x] Best eye color: Im not to picky
[x] Best hair color: Brunettes are good
[x] Short or long hair: Middleish
[x] Best height: Shorter than me, but please no midgets
[x] Best weight: No fat chix plz
[x] Best first date location: Something shed like
[x] Best first ...kiss location: Again somehwere shed like

-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------

[x] Number of drugs taken illegally: Well i wasnt sposed 2 take an aleve but i did! im a bad boy
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: Not many
[x] Number of CDs that I own: None, i downalod
[x] number of piercings: Zero
[x] Number of tattoos: Zero for now
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Alot, travis barker, randy travis, im everywhere 
[x] Number of scars on my body: Well i like to climb things so take a guess
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: Well if i count i can probly finish in a cupl years, ill let ya kno then

[x] Shampoo: I grab whatevers closest
[x] Favie Color(s): Pink, green, black, red, theyr all good, cept purple
[x] Day/Night: Night
[x] Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Summer
[x] Lace, Silk, Leather, or Satin: I dunno fabrics i aint gay
[x] Favie Cartoon Character: Master shake
[x] Favie Movies: Harold and kumar, anchorman, dude wheres my car, kung pow, you get the idea
[x] Favie sport: Hockey and lacrosse

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

[x] Wearing: Clothes
[x] Drinking: Gatorade frost
[x] Thinking about: Hmmmmmmmmmm why do squirrels like nuts so much? are they gay
[x] Listening to : Vow of silience-Blindside

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

[x] Cried: No
[x] Worn jeans: Yup
[x] Met someone new: Several people
[x] Drove a car: No
[x] Talked on the phone: Ummmmm, ya

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------

[x] Yourself: You alredy asked this fatty
[x] Your friends: If they arnt fabian lovers thn yes
[x] Santa Claus: A fat guy that sneaks into yur house wil u sleep, i hope he aint real
[x] Tooth Fairy: Pssh fairies comon only elfs are real, lol
[x] Angels: Not really
[x] Ghosts: Well i think my old house was haunted but it just could hav een my imagination
[x] UFO's: Why the hell do aliens want to probe us, do they ahv an ass fetish!?
[x] God: Not a big churh person but i spose thinkn some big guys there dont hurt, so i guess kinda

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: Well i dont like it much but other people seem 2
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Nope im pretty pathetic
[x] Do you like anyone?: Ya
[x] Which of your friends act the most like you?: We all act the same, were loud, we scream and we all like streaking
[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Mike c and Lindz
[x] Are you close to any family member?: No i really dont like any of my family
[x] Who do you hang around the most?: Mike,gillman,burdvig,josh, and lindz til she got grounded
[x] When have you cried the most: The time wen i was 9 i fell out of a tree landed on my spine and couldnt move for two hours, i thought i was gona die
[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: Happy i spose
[x] Worst Feeling?: Sad i spose

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