and erase those bittersweet ones that keep coming back
if i were to meet myself, i would tell him to just suck it up
get himself busy, find someone new,
and stop thinking back
for fuck's sake.
but its not that easy actually when im that person myself
u're never there for me when u kept expecting me to
makes me wonder if u ever loved me like i did, and still do, you
made me do things i never wanted or maybe liked to do
and now that ure long gone, ure still doing the same to me
wtf. no wonder i never stopped..
maybe there is such machine.. - the gun.
i think i just need a shower, or/and go to church
best place to calm myself down'>
lol at azumanga daioh
lol lol.. big LOL
re-watching it, but its still funny lol
weeehoooo close to 63! 4 bars..
and lock is lvl 19 now haha
yosh! 70 this month..
uh oh so many things happening these few weeks..
hehe fun fun, gonna be tiring probably
im hungry lol
getting some food then shower..