I love Cure bootlegs!!!

Dec 13, 2005 19:35

Scribble: my favorite bootleg video - "Hollywood Rock Rio Brazil 1996"

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Comments 14

hansah December 13 2005, 14:54:22 UTC
Wow! Fantastic drawing! Simon really look like a girl, and also act like a girl (in love with herself... huh... himself, I mean *wink*)
And Robert is really awesome! I can't wait for your erotica work, darling!


blissfullydeadx December 14 2005, 18:56:28 UTC
Oh, thank you very much!! Have you ever seen Simon wearing a pink one-piece dress?! The view is so pretty, I can't believe he was already 35 years old at that time... He looked like a 17 years-old-girl or something!! :D
I forgot to describe! In the encore, Robert have a handy video-camera and he took Simon(wearing a pink one-piece shot dress, of course)'s shot for a while!! Robert really giggled, looked so happy. (Yeah and I'm happy too!! :D )

I will upload the first promised drawing(not sexual one) within this week. Although I am afraid that it will make you disappointed...


deepwatersxx December 13 2005, 21:22:36 UTC
I love the drawing of Robert and Simon, Simon is so sweet...


blissfullydeadx December 14 2005, 19:05:23 UTC
Oh, thank you very much for your visiting and your comment here, my dear!!
I want to draw Simon/Robert(of course *your(and my)* Robert) drawings too!! I hope to dedicate all my S/R drawings to you!!*hugs* Is is OK? :D


deepwatersxx December 17 2005, 13:40:09 UTC
thank you honey and *hugs*!


snapesita December 14 2005, 09:53:25 UTC
snif...and you don't draw about ville and lauri romance...snif...you're so cruel ¡_¡


blissfullydeadx December 14 2005, 19:28:27 UTC
Awwww!!! Please don't cry, I am so happy that you hope my V/L romance!! I am so sorry, actually I am drawing a small comic of Ville/Lauri, but I am thrown into a panic now. Now I am drawing many many pics at the same time, so I can't manage which picture I must first finish!! And I must work for my working place for many hours like a slave everyday... I need more time badly, I really want to cry... ;_;

But of course I must draw V/L romance for you!!


snapesita December 15 2005, 11:11:07 UTC
*_* Oh...Don't worry!!!o.o Finish your fanarts...:3


the_empty_world December 14 2005, 16:07:59 UTC
Oh that was Simon?!

Also, you should get online more, I miss talking to you.

You should draw some pictures of Robert's classic look too.

(I just happened to logon as The_Empty_World today if your wondering why I'm posting under this username)


blissfullydeadx December 15 2005, 12:08:58 UTC
Hey Joe!! Glad to see you here!! Are you fine?
And really? I miss talking to you too!!
Recently I am really afraid to login to AIM, because a kind of weird net stalker(I didn't know about him at all) is there. So I am thinking that I should make a new account or find other good ways.

Yes, that is Simon!! (But it doesn't look like him at all...) I have a video, "Hollywood Rock Rio 1996", and Simon is wearing a pretty woman's pink one-piece dress in it. It was really nice on him, although I guess that you don't like that.... Haha, sorry...

Yeah of course I want to draw *your best* Robert!!! I really love every era's Robert.

You will grow 2 LJ accounts? And both your usernames are nice. ;)


harajuku_d0ll December 14 2005, 17:57:32 UTC
Heeyy sis!!!!!
Great draw!!! I love the way u draw robert, it really looks a lot like him!!
Well and i'm glad u still alive LOL i'm still wating to hear some news about u, so please don't forget to send me an email or a pm ok??? I was starting to worry!!!
Your Xmas present is finish ;)


blissfullydeadx December 15 2005, 16:24:34 UTC
Hey, my sis ( ... )


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