Nine days.
What are those little things in your body filled with hormones called? Lymph nodes? Well, I feel the happy squeezing out and am terrified that I will run out and then become seriously depressed because... nine days.
For those of you who have known me for years and years and have been reading this you know how much I have complained
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Comments 8
also, craigslist might be helpful?
back waxing? well, if it gets ya more booty, then hooray for sex.
Before you go around to places, have your resume done and have copies with you. That way you won't have to go back. (It's fuckin' cold, you won't want to be outside more than you have to at the moment.)
Don't forget to join the library! Go to the Merlo branch at 644 W. Belmont (it's in Boystown). They have books (duh), magazines/newspapers, DVDs, and CDs, so you won't have to spend money on any of those things. And they'll probably have anything you could want, and if they don't, ask them to inter-library loan it for you (I've saved so much money in Urbana because of libraries).
I'm not sure when I'll be able to come visit yet, because I don't have syllabi for this semester- I'm hoping by or on your birthday. Yay! I'm so excited that we're going to be living in the same state again!
Love you,
Alright, alright. I am going to put the library on there right along with the YMCA for places I am going to go to. The YMCA isn't charging for joining right now, and I am going to check it out before I pay for it!
Oh, so many things to do! I have a resume written but I need to go back through it and revise. How long should it be? I want to make mine at least two pages long.
My family is getting sick of me. I keep skipping around with a huge smile and clapping my hands.
Well when is your school's spring break? We aren't going to worry about this at all now, but worse comes to worst we can plan a little-bit-late b-day party then!
Plus, Aaron's birthday is 24th of the same month as mine.
That's great about the Y! That should be the first thing you do when you get to town, because they're only offering membership without the joining fee for the month of January. Come February, it will cost you $47 to join, plus $47 for that month. If you join now, it's only $47 for the month's dues. I'm pretty sure that's the cheapest you'll find in Chicago, at least in Lakeview.
My spring break is March 23-27, but I'm supposed to be doing the library school's alternative spring break program. I'll hopefully be placed in Minneapolis or Chicago, but I still haven't heard about a placement yet, so I have no idea what's going on with it. But I'll see you before then!
<3 A
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