Yay so Kumoricon is over! This report is going to be pretty quick and to the point since the con was pretty much just that! Since there were little to no obligations and since it was just the 4-5 of us, things went pretty smoothly.
Sean had been home for a little while before the con so I spent a lot of time fixing up his Ryuk costume as well as finishing up the stuff I remade for Sora, Riku, Chris' Yosuke costume and any last touch ups. The main thing that felt weird was that even by day 0, the skit audio wasn't done. These is a huge No-No in my book, and were this ANY OTHER CON we probably would have decided not to perform; but since Kumoricon asked us to perform and because the skit was basically pulled out of the garbage can, we decided to give it a whirl. What have we got to lose right?
We packed up and headed out on Day 0 but didn't get there in time to get our badges, because we never ARE on time anyways. We stayed in Stephany's room which was awesome because otherwise we would have had to drive up the next morning which would have been NO BUENO! Sean, Chris and I crashed on the floor after eating Carl's Jr. and Mandy got to share a bed with the amazing John! :B Before bed though we watched an episode of the saucy and fan-service-y High School Of The Dead which seems like...maybe the most borderline hentai but not hentai anime I have ever seen.
we woke up around 7am on Saturday and went straight to the reg line. Sean who hadn't pre-regged actually got through the line faster than we did! Mandy, Chris and I were in line for a little over an hour but everything went nice and smooth. It’s so nice not being a minor and having to remember those silly forms anymore XB After reg, we got checked in to our room which was very nice and roomy! We unfortunately had already parked the car and didn’t have the luxury of 'un-parking' so we had to carry our crap uphill a couple blocks just to unpack. All of us had sore arms. I got a text from Ari (AKA FilkAeris) who had been in Japan for 3 years and was finally home! It was pretty exciting to get to see her again! She was waiting in the lobby for me dressed as Trisha so Mandy and I got into Ed and Ling and ran down to the lobby to grab some quick photos. Promptly after seeing Ari, we ran into Kelsey, D and some other friends. We went out to lunch at Carl's Jr. again. I got a banana chocolate chip milkshake and it was amazing. After eating we decided we were uncomfortable and wanted to change. Mind you we were in Ed and Ling for MAYBE an hour, but this is Kumoricon and that means ' we don’t give a damn'. We went back to the room and got into Light and Misa.
I was pretty excited because I got to use Krystal's Misa shirt which is much cuter than mine since its fitted and doesn't look as much like a frumpy winter outfit. It actually fits me really well despite our size difference in the chest area. It just gives me VAVOOM. I also borrowed my Tifa skirt for this costume since I didn't get to borrow Krystal’s skirt in time. We ran around the con in Light and Misa for most of the day since it was comfortable and not warm (for me anyways) Sean took some great photos of us while Chris recorded probably WAY more than was needed! We ran into Stephany and her sister Shawna and also met a Banana in Pajamas. I don't really remember them being so dirty.
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That night Chris, Mandy, Lizzie, Sean and I went to this cute little rice place called "Happy Bowl" and after some confusion, realized we were standing right behind someone we haven’t seen since 2008! Amelia! Now two years older she looked a little different but once we got a good look at each other we immediately got excited. We also got to meet Rey and Jeremy which were too very cool guys complying from Final Fantasy Crisis Core. We ate our dinners and talked about skits and listened to Rey give us way more credit than we deserve XD we also listened to some pretty bad anime rap. Yea....
Right after dinner we went to the room and changed into some casual clothes before heading to the cosplay pre-meet and getting our skit all registered. Yea that's right. Not only was the audio not finished until right before the pre-meet, the skit wasn't even entered online! Luckily enough they did have a place for us so I got us enrolled with no problems! We sat around for what seemed like forever. Since this isn't our first rodeo we already knew just about everything we needed to know.
Right after the pre-meet we met up with our Ninjas and set off to practice for our skit. We borrowed the alarm clock from the hotel room to play the skit audio on an iPod. Probably the most ghetto way we've done it to date but it worked for us. We got to use the green room for our practice area, but it was pretty cramped. Our practice was pretty amazing since Sean has virtually no vision so the first few run through's were hilarious and messy. After a few tries we got to what it was actually going to look like! This was great! We spent maybe ONE HOUR working on this which is the shortest in NOTN history! Woo! I don't expect this to ever happen again. After the rehearsal we all decided to head to bed since we needed to be at the Cosplay Rehearsal at 8:00 am. We decided that this year we were going to make an effort to be ON TIME; and surprisingly we were!!
Like I said, somehow we wound up being on time to the rehearsal. Probably because we didn't get into costume this morning. We went there in our grungies and did our run-through with audio. It's the cool thing about Kumoricon is the let your run the whole sha-bang on the stage one time before that way you get a real idea how it’s going to be before your actually doing it. I really appreciate it. We finished up there and then headed to Starbucks for some food and then back to the room. We decided today was the day for DeathNote. Mandy and I got Sean dressed into Ryuk, Mandy into Light, Chris into Mikami and Myself into L. I was on my best behavior and kept the retardedness to a minimum. As much as I could help anyways. I did discover that lollipops can be combined to create the ultimate lollipop and watermelon, mango and cherry make one hell of a combo. Please enjoy a really disgusting video of me eating lollipops.
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We spent most of the day in DeathNote costumes. During this time we took pictures with other DeathNote cosplayers, Mandy became handcuffed to a pre-pubescent boy, Chris was ignored umpteen times, and I just ate lollipops all day. Today was a prime example of why glomping is not okay. Somebody ran up, hugged Sean and picked him up. During this embrace, one of the 4 spikes on Sean's Ryuk belt broke off! I was a little miffed. Sean swore off hugs for the rest of the time he was in Ryuk. To me, that scenario is one of those things you talk about, but it's always more of a "That won't happen to me" kind of thing. *sigh* oh well. Ill fix it. At about 2:00 Mandy and I had to get our Sora and Riku costumes judged. We went back to the room and changed, while Sean and Chris ordered Pizza. Sadly, despite our streak of being on time for the rest of the con, we were however slightly late to our judging slot. I blame it on the huge shoes. Getting Sora and Riku judged was a very flattering experience. I entered myself into the Journeyman category since I don't by any means consider myself a "Master" of anything other than Pokemon. The Judges however insisted that I enter under the master category and since the rule of Kumoricon holds true, What have I got to lose? I decided that would be fine. I was super nervous though since I knew I would be judged against Hoshikage whom I know has always won in the master space and I knew I wouldn't beat her! Mandy and I went back to the room, ate Pizza, Met up with Steph and John and got Sean into his costume. We also helped Lizzie get into her Cloud costume. She makes a hot cloud btw. We took off down to the green room, but were stopped at the escalator by this jerk who wouldn't let us down until the seating line for the contest was down there. We were told that the escalator guy should KNOW the participants get to go first, but he didn't seem to get the memo. He was rude and we were all a little miffed, but we wound up getting downstairs in a decent amount of time. Waiting our turn was tough, especially since our live feed had a really lousy speaker system so the skit audio was near impossible to hear. We just watched what we could and grew more and more nervous since there were some pretty cute skits going around! There was a Power Rangers skit that I was surprised didn't win an award since they had some adorable props and even though I couldn't hear the audio, I followed what was going on. There was a really awesome dance skit and some pretty walk ons too. We were skit number 22 of 23 so we had a long time to wait! We sat around, drank water, took terrible pictures and laughed at Brian who was wearing a dress.
FINALLY when it was our turn, we headed toward the stage. The moment the stage ninjas set foot on stage, they started our audio! It was a huge surprise! This had never happened before! Zach waved for them to stop, and we tried to tell them to cut the lights. Poor Chris and Stephany didn't know what to do! Finally, about 10-20 seconds in, they cut the audio and the lights. Steph and John finished set up and the skit went on perfectly! It wasn't the funniest skit ever but it at least made sense and had some cute aspects so we were pleased.
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We went back to the green room once we were done, and this was the most relaxed I have ever been after the skit. I was completely content and I for some reason didn't even care. I honestly felt like I could leave the room and never know who won and not even care! Haha but I knew that was silly because if by some stroke of luck we did win, I wanted to be there! I was honestly more excited for the results of the costume awards as opposed to the skit awards which is a HUGE opposite on my part! To our surprise we won Best in both of our categories! Best Master Costumes and Best Masters Skit! We were completely surprised! Mandy and I both never expected this skit to win simply because it was a garbage idea. We scrapped it, wrote something else and then at the last minute decided to go ahead and perform that one instead. I sure am happy we did though! We went on stage, congratulated the other groups including the Best In show Group: Every Episode of Sailor Moon. We didn't get to see their skit but we knew it was going to be funny just because of the name! Andy told us our skit and costume awards wouldn't be ready until tomorrow morning so we just decided to screw around the rest of the night. Mandy and I did tell Brian we’d be in his Match Game panel so we got dressed and headed down there. I wore Misa since she seems to be a crowd favorite and Mandy wore James complete with Jessie-Sock-Puppet. I made the sock puppet for Mandy as a joke since Rynn wouldn't be around to wear Jessie and there was NO WAY I was going to fit that costume! The sock was donated by Lizzie who thinks she stole Danes sock. The eyes are covered buttons and the hair is some left over flannel from a pillow I made a while ago. Over all the sock cost nothing but got a few laughs so it worked out just fine. I think the sock puppet did more talking during the match game than James did. Sean also got to play since Jerry hadn’t showed up yet. Brian named him “Team Edward” because he is gay. Sean’s answers were hilarious, especially since he knows next to nothing about anime! We had a lot of fun! Amelia, Rey and Jeremy showed up so we got them to play as the contestants! They did a good job and I’m glad they got to experience it. I’m also glad I got to play again because the match game is super fun, especially with Bressler, my OTP.
Once the match game was over, we took off to get food. Nikki, Amelia, Rey, Jeremy, Sean, Chris, Mandy, John and I went out to eat. After what seemed like FOREVER of walking we finally settled on ROXXY which was a really creepy hole-in-the-wall kind of place. But they did have a dish called the Britney Spears so naturally Sean HAD to order it! It was blueberry pancakes for some reason. I ordered a quesodilla which turned out to be the spiciest thing I had ever tasted so I couldn't eat much of it. For some reason it put me in a really bad mood since I was so hungry, so I apologize to all my friends for being such a whiny pain in the butt! Also, I want to thank John for letting me borrow his sweater because my Misa skirt/tank top doesn't cover much and I was a Popsicle.
After food we went back to the room and I cleaned up a little bit and then promptly passed out. I woke up the next morning exhausted and sore and those two elements combined ended in a "NO COSPLAY" kind of day. We packed the room, picked up our prizes and headed out pretty early. You may notice that this con didn't involve the dealer's room what-so-ever. That would be because there was a HUGE LINE the entire con and we didn't want to wait around for it! We went out to Sushi for lunch/dinner and headed back home. Over-all, the con was really laid back and relaxing since we didn't have a ton of people to see or much of anything to do! I had a really great time.
Also, I would just like to state for the record that Krystal is dumb and should have been there having fun with us. We missed you
I forgot to take a "We are on the way to the con!" Picture. This was on the way home from a Jamba Juice run! Close enough!
Chris had this shirt made for me! I love it! It looks like we are going to camp! NOTN Camp?
Me and Ari with some milk.
Ari, Me and an Alphonse Cosplayer :D
Sean is a paparazzi of the paparazzi. :P
Getting lunch at Carl's Jr.
All of our badges. We like to keep them on the lamp
Mandy can't handle the keys.
Sean being Sean.
Misa looks way cooler like this.
Sean and the Bananananana...
Mandy, Stephany, Me and Shawna! Friends! :D
Me creeping all over the floor.
Happy Bowl!
Chris had the coolest SOBE cap.
Im pretty sure its safe to say Mandy and I don't need ANY more DeathNote pictures...but somehow we wound up with some.
This one somehow being the most appropriate about how i feel about DeathNote.
Its illegal to lay here.
Thug Gangstas
DeathNote group!
Sean's touched up Ryuk
Easily my favorite photo from the con.
About to get our costumes judged.
Our skit group, Chris, Stephany, John, me, Sean and mandy.
The only pictures of the Jessie Sock Puppet! XD
Next up will be Sakuracon in April. It’s going to be a nice long winter break.
Hoping to have: Princess Tutu, Eternal Sonata, and perhaps FF7 and Gravitation done! Here goes nothing