*watching the Met game tonight, face pops up on screen*
me: that's tom glavine, right?
tim: um. ... that's a wall.
*long pause*
me: what?
tim: a wall. a MURAL. they were talking about the stadium's murals. and no, that's NOT tom glavine.
i love _postsecret_'s anything posts with a passion. i think i have 4 secrets up there this time. its an obsession.
i procrastinated a lot today.
and went to ihop for some PANCAKES AND SYRUP HYRUP. with PYHRUP. lol
it was a sucky day out, and it makes me all tired and blegh.
i have a lot of hw, and this break is getting less and less amusing. i was hoping to end it with a bang, for it to get BETTER AND BETTER. but i had the most fun / was the most awake and amused at the beginning of the week. saturday-monday. oh well.
love you all <3 <3
thursday-- facials/manis&pedis with leeez d, randomly seeing phil/john/alex... then scary movie TRES!