There's Something About Warrick . . .

Mar 11, 2007 15:34

For those of you who have discovered Manna's "The Administration Series," here's a question for you. (And for those of you who haven't, you're missing the best original fic - and the most fascinating relationship - around!)

I was rereading "Mind Fuck" a few weekends ago, and noticed this conversation, between Marian Tanit and Warrick:

He shook his head, again half smiling. "Marian, the world is full of things that are dangerous if people misuse them. SimTech can't be held responsible for the irresponsibility of others. If we avoided technology because some people might hurt themselves with it, then we'd still be in the caves, worrying about burning our fingers."

"Sex is hardly a necessity for survival." Then, as his eyebrow arched, she quickly added, "Exotic virtual sex, I meant."

"I realised. But the sim isn't simply about SMS, as you well know."

"Of course not. No doubt Para-investigator Toreth has some suggestions for other uses."

Warrick froze in the chair, absolutely still. Marian cursed herself silently-such carelessness was unforgivable, however angry his obstinacy made her. Odd and infuriating in itself that he could effortlessly cut through years of training and hit a nerve every time.

I thought it was interesting, because yet again, we see an Administration trained (aka brainwashed/conditioned) individual who finds their control slipping when they deal with Warrick. Tanit, Carnac, Toreth - they all react differently to Warrick than they do to other people. The controlled, perceptive Tanit loses her professional detachment when she talks to him. The emotionally cold, narcissistic Carnac finds himself fascinated with Warrick to the point of wondering if he might actually be in love with him, and his over-inflated self-confidence is so shaken that he has to get drunk before he can manage to apologize and express his regret that what he did (in "First Against the Wall") irreparably damaged any chance he might have had to develop a relationship with Warrick.

And of course, Toreth's reaction to and feelings for Warrick are so fascinating - and so totally improbable for someone with his psychological disorders - that even more than three years after Manna completed TAS, the question of whether Toreth the Sociopath "loves" Warrick can still generate over 400 posts.

Arguably, John Sable/Leo is another highly conditioned Administration employee who has an unpredictable response to Warrick. Sable killed the woman he loved because once her cover was blown, she posed a threat to the Administration. Yet he takes great pains to protect Warrick, even though what Warrick knows is a not only a threat to the Administration, but also a personal threat to Sable. Kate and Leo were trained to put the Administration above everything and everyone else - even family members - and yet Sable/Leo makes an exception for Warrick.

So, what is it about Warrick that causes these extraordinary reactions from all of these Administration-conditioned people, when no one else can? (And no, DMT, it's not "the cock!")
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