I thought I would pop in here and post before I crash for the night. Hopefully Tripp will let me sleep in tomorrow! I'm going to hide it behind a cut, as it's quite long. I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
The trip has been going very well. We got to see Niagara Falls, but the Hershey outlet was an overpriced disappointment. Even more of a disappointment was hearing from my Dad that the factory in Smith Falls has closed down. We then spent a day in Guelph at my brother's. His son is 5, and wasn't too sure about this cousin. All he wanted to do was play his DS. They did play quite well together once they got going, but I was left feeling better about myself as a parent. Not sure what they will do when the baby comes along in September, but I'm glad it's not me in their shoes!
After that we headed north to my mother's. Tripp got up on a horse, going around the house twice with me, then once on his own with Grandpa Dick leading and Mommy and Grandma on either side, and with a helmet on, too. He had great fun playing out in the yard with Grandpa Dick, and helping to take care of the horses. My Mom had forgotten to call me and ask me to bring a blanket for a friend who had a baby boy, so we had picked up some fleece and I spent my whole time cooking and working on the blanket.
Next was a trip to the French River Trading Post, where we were met by Grandpopsy and Grandma Shirley. After a shopping expedition getting Christmas presents and a trip to the Ice Cream Bar, we set off for Grandpopsy's. Tuesday was spent in more shopping, getting parts for Grandpopsy's trains and a quick visit with one of my friends who works at Costco. I got a good haul, so I was happy about that, and still have some money left over. I wouldn't mind getting another t-shirt and we're going to stop at Ikea, too. Time to start packing tomorrow and then set aside things that Grandpopsy can bring on his next visit.
3 out of my 5 close high school friends made the effort to come by tonight for supper, with one of them bringing her son. We had a great visit, I just wish it could have been longer, and that I wasn't so tired from my early morning with Tripp. Tripp was tired, too, and was a lot more whiny and bossy than normal. Hopefully we'll both sleep in tomorrow. I think I'll put a dark blanket over the window!
Oh, and the blueberry picking! Even with Tripp along, we got about 8 litres! Tomorrow if the weather is good, Grandpopsy is going out again, while I'll do my packing and pick the raspberries. Sigh. If I had the money, I'd be taking a styrofoam cooler home full of berries. I'm still tempted!
The other thing I did was to finally join the evil Facebook. It is nice to catch up with people who I don't converse with here, but I hope it doesn't become too time consuming and overwhelm me. We'll see.
I'm also starting to get homesick. I miss seeing Jody and cuddling up to him. Tripp is missing his Dad, his pets and his friends.
Anyway, hope that everyone else is having a great summer so far. I'll be catching up on all the posts as soon as I cross the border again and can use my phone!