
Apr 30, 2003 22:21

For all you girls that think that guys are the liars, the cheaters, the deceivers, the users, the betrayers, and every other fuckin word that I or any guy has been called....just think about it....youre just as bad, bitches. Sorry, I am just in a bad mood and I am sick of the opposite sex. So many appeal to me, yet, none do. This is so different ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

plastic_spork April 29 2003, 21:00:42 UTC
you should come miniture golfing with us tomorrow. i haven't seen you in a long time.


bloah2 April 30 2003, 19:39:43 UTC
I wish I could but i have school all day, work, then homework.


Re: plastic_spork April 30 2003, 19:47:53 UTC
hm. we're going to have to fix that. ;)
but, seriously, we shoudl do stuff, i miss you're randomly throwing things at people.


xlordnikonx April 30 2003, 00:09:07 UTC
I envy all of my friends lives. There thick hair, their significant others, their carefree lives, their motovation in school....where is all this with me?
1. what thick said it yourself if mine was as short as yours I'd be even more bald than you.
2. ummmmm....I haven't had ANYONE significant since last september...since then I haven't had any girl come up to me.
3. fuck dude....I'm really fucking stressed right now cause I'm closing hardee's almost every night, I'm moving wednesday, and I've had bronchitis for the passed week.
4. how much you want to bet that I've missed more school than I've gone

you don't have it that bad Noah....oh...if you wanna help us move into the apartment tomorrow we'll be at the old shandi's pretty much all day


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