I was recently reminded of what I call The Cup Game. It seems that
other people call it that too. I was introduced to it through my
English Handbell choir, in High School. I should have guessed that it was a nationwide craze. So, readers, I'm curious if you've ever played this game. And if so, how were you introduced to it?
The following is a good visual of the cup game that I learned. I chose this video because you can both see the appropriate actions but also can hear the correct, accompanying sound. On my first tour with the bell choir, we ate at a cowboy-ranch themed "restaurant". Our drinks were served in tin cups, like the cups you envision a cowboy using for his morning coffee. Those tin cups made for an awesome sounding cup game. Much better than these plastic cups.
But we wouldn't play in a line; we'd play in a circle. The tempo of the game started slow, then would increase throughout the game, until someone messed up. That person would be out, removed from the game, and the circle would close in. You'd keep removing players until one person was the winner. That looked something like the following video. This video also illustrates what invariably happened in our circles, where one uncoordinated oaf (like the headless boy in the front) wouldn't admit to messing up and just pass the cup along. If discovered, that person would cry
braddyboophd boo-hoo at unfair fingering and begrudgingly leave the circle. ;-) Or worse yet point out when someone else messes up.