Sen Tai Salai Sode ep 1 impressions

Oct 08, 2011 22:00

I'm trying hard to give Ch 7 a chance seeing how their lakorns always lead the ratings contest but it's simply not working out. 'Sen Tai Salai Sode (The Deadline)' is my second Ch 7 drama and the weak script and poor acting leaves me shaking my head. Noon gives a refreshing performance as Namfah, the career woman who pulls out the stops to find a husband in 60 days to fulfil her cancer stricken mom's wish of seeing her get married. Let me digress to talk about the plot set up: I think it's horribly cruel of her family to pretend that her mom is dying in order to push her into marriage. Anyway, since when did marriage = happiness? I have nothing against marriage, heck, I wanna get married but Namfah's mom speak as if her daughter can't achieve real happiness without getting hitch. And what kind of marriage will her daughter end up with when you give her all of 2 months to get a husband? Whatever, it's just a lame-ass reason to force the n'ek into the husband-finding situation.

Ok, back to Noon. I've read that it's the first time she's doing a comedic role? I feel she tries a litttttle too hard in certain scenes but overall she's doing good and she's beautiful as always. Can't say the same for the rest of the cast though. I was overwhelmed by the bad acting from pretty much everyone else, yes, even for the p'ek Vee and that's saying a lot considering I can even tolerate Mart's acting.

There are many funny one-liners but taken as a whole, the script is flimsy and coupled with the poor acting, I'm not sure if I will continue. Any supporters of STSS wants to make a case for it?

If you want a rom com, go check out 'Sood Sanae Ha (Love Recipe)' by Ken/Ann. It's has a similar set up with Ann trying to snag the perfect husband and Ken getting mixed up in the whole affair without intending to. It's a well written love story with top notch acting from KA and definitely worth your time.

impressions, lakorn

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