Alright so I think I got myself in order here, generally. Still gonna take a while to get used to some of this stuff, but it should be fine.
Got my class lists, so I should be starting up soon. For those of you in my classes, just gotta brief overview of what you're gonna be needing and what we'll be doing.
7-12 classes:
Magic Defense
Alright! First thing's first: You should pick up a medium-sized hard cover book called The Strength of Defense. It should be in the Magic Arts section of the book store. It's going to be a pretty lecture heavy class, so make sure you're ready to take a lot of notes. You're gonna need to do a lot of reading on your own. Trust me, this isn't the kind of thing you want to attempt unprepared.
At least once a month, we'll go outside (or if the weather's bad, to some building with a lot of space) to practice. Magic is really something that is learned more by doing than reading. We should get as much practice as possible. If we manage to move quickly through our lessons, we should be able to go several times a month. That sounds like fun, doesn't it?
College Courses:
Human Sexuality 101
You're gonna need a paper back book called Why Is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Sexuality. It should be pretty easy to find at the bookstore. Everyone should have it by some time this week. We'll have open discussion on chapter readings, so everyone should have read up before class. You should have something to take notes with, but most of our classes will be discussion heavy.
Human Sexuality 102
The bookstore should have a hard cover book called The Universal Encyclopedia of Sexuality on one of the shelves near the main entrance, so the book should be really easy to spot. This is also gonna be an open discussion class based on chapter readings. You'll need to take some more notes in this class though, so be ready with some paper. You also might be asked to bring in miscellanious items on whim. Nothing that can't be found around the home, I'm sure. Guess we'll see.
Improv 101
This should be easy! There's a very thin paperback book called The Survival Guide to Thinking on Your Feet. Cause it's so small, it might be tougher to find in the store, so you might have to ask. Plus, it's kind of old. It should cover basic exercises and techniques. But this isn't the sort of thing you can learn from a book, so we'll be doing a lot of in-class activities. You don't need to worry about taking notes in this class. Just make sure you have the energy to move around~
Using Runes
Sorry, kids. You're gonna need two books for this one. First one's a smaller book called Intro to Runes and Runic Origin, which covers a lot of the basics you need to know. Second is a slightly bigger book called Whats and What Nots of Rune Casting. DEFINITELY gonna want to hold on to this one for future reference. It's pretty damn important. Runes are a really broad subject, so there's gonna be lecture more than discussion. We're gonna cover what runes exactly are, rune basics, gaging individual affinity, equiping, unequiping, dangers, controlling, and development.
If the weather's good, we might occassionally go outside for demonstrations. I might also see if near the end of the semester we might be able to take a trip to a rune shop back home. Kind of like a field trip... but better. If we get permission, you'll see what I mean.
I'll see you all in class next week!