AHHH it’s SO nice to be back from Florida. I feel like I’ve
Missed \out on SOOO MUCH. Which I definitely have, but
oh well, I’m over it. I had the best welcome back though!
So that was nice.
Aww, today since the boy went home last night after we
went to the movies, I drove out to his house and hung
out there for a long while. Just watched a few
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Comments 4
and if you dont mind me asking
who is this mystery boyy?
M y S t E r Y b O y
would be -
Craig =)
...AkA... CraigHoe...
Thats a for sure thing! I will definitely miss you like
crazy chick, your the best. We always have a blast no
matter what the fuck we do, whether were causing touble
..or not =) `Good Times`Good Times!` B ut yeah don't
worry we will be keeping in touch like -o- everyday day!!
PS- Yeah I KiNdA like that kid... like... A LoT =) He*
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