shall i play for you?

Dec 18, 2005 18:20

myspace ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

dead_faery101 December 19 2005, 00:22:15 UTC
i remember when everyone loved xanga. but i ♥ lj too much to leave it for some dumb myspace. i have never and will never get one. i will not follow the trend.


look_at_it December 19 2005, 03:32:09 UTC
I have a myspace. I don't know why. Myspace is pointless and dumb.
I do agree with you. Poor livejournal. I like livejournal though. Its my friend


dancegoddess524 December 19 2005, 17:41:44 UTC
Hey, now. Hey, now. No, I use all 3, darling, so no, don't get me started lol. But yea, it does suck that so many people abandomned websites that actually has thoughts in it. See you in less than an hour. Can't wait for the cookie! :-D


bleed_silver December 19 2005, 22:18:52 UTC
Most people are still using Livejournal. I only know one or two people that once used it regularly and no longer do.


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