Topic: The world will end tomorrow. What do you do today?
Us Grecians tend to be a religious lot. Just take a walk around the countryside and you'll see that there is at least one temple for every ten houses in Greece, and if anyone wants to tally up the amount of stuff we pay tribute to the gods every month... Let's just say there'd be a whole lot.
But of course it's easy for us to be as religious as we are, since we get up close and personal with the gods on a daily basis. To not believe in them would just be absurd, kinda like not believing in the paths of the sun and moon, or the changing seasons.
Though it is important to note that belief does not necessarily equate faith. I’m not that stupid.
Zeus and Hera may have made our world, but that's probably the only constructive thing they've ever done, considering that since then they've only been preoccupied with The Biggest Marital Spat this side of Olympus. Hades may hold power over the realm of dead, but when every other hero or villain gets to trick negotiate their way in and out of the underworld as they see fit, you can't quite take death all that seriously either. And don't get me started on I-only-want-virgin-priestesses-serving-me Athena.
As I spent years wandering through the land doing my pillaging and plundering, I cannot help but see the truth of how things work. See, when you realise that those in charge of our world are nothing more than petty and shallow (albeit powerful) beings, you know it's merely a matter of time before something goes wrong and the thin fabric that holds this place together unravels like a really cheap Spartan tapestry.
So if you told me the world really was going to end tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised.
And I'm not just talking about the so-called mortal plain, y’hear. I consider the whole world to include all from the deepest depth of the underworld right up to the highest peak of Olympus, of course including all the interesting bits in between.
So the end of the world, in my book, would mean the end of everything. It would be an event beyond the control of Zeus, or the Fates, or any random hero that happens to wander along with the oh-so-noble hopes of saving mankind. There would be no secret prophecies, no emergency stop-it ritual, and definitely no last-minute chicken-outs. (I hate that last sort. Kinda makes you numb after a while, you know?)
And I know it's going to happen. The end of the world, I mean. Any kid can tell you that nothing lasts forever, especially things as fragile as this chunk of rubble we call home.
You know, I can count on one hand the number of things I do place faith in, and the end of the world is the other one. I live each day with that knowledge of what’s awaiting us right around the corner. And knowing the absolute certainty of it would change nothing of my daily routine, except make me cackle out loud in anticipation of a whole new adventure. (Anything's gotta be better than this place, right?)
And that would bring us to ponder... Now, what would be on the other side? Personally, I think it's oblivion (which would be a nice change), but if it isn't, and there's some sort of judgement waiting for us, I can at least look forward to pointing my fingers at the gods and saying, "Hah! Omnipotent, my ass."
And laugh s'more.