"...don't know when I'll be back again" (well, early June, but idk an exact date yet).
well, i guess i'm not even sure where to start. i suppose this would be my semi-annual entry about how I'm leaving one life and going to another, though with a slightly different twist this time. I've had an amazing summer. I was incredibly busy (maybe too busy) between work & traveling & visits & what not. but i had a lot of fun - 2 full weeks at the beach, which was amazing (and made me tan for about .3 seconds), I got to see Brad twice, Maureen once, and everyone from home that I wanted to see (though I wish I'd been able to spend more time with some of them).
I went to Edy's PDQ tonight with Caitlin to grab some ice cream and we ended up sitting for 3 1/2 hours just talking. We were talking about how weird it is to see where everyone is now and to think where we'll all be in a few years. Some people that we graduated with (Tiffany & Hillary & I talked about this exact same thing last week) are married or engaged or pregnant. Some are exactly the same as in hs, some are completely different. And I think the weirdest thing for me is that I dont care. Like I really could care less who is doing what. It's fun to gossip about it for a little bit, but except for a select few, everyone's got their own life now & that's fine & I could honestly care less.
But then I think about the people's lives that i DO care about and I just dont even know where to start thinking. How much will I see Tiffany, Hillary, & Ryan next summer? Will we all (Or any of us) be in North Canton? Or, for that matter, will I see Mindy, Laura, or Brian? How close in touch with everyone will I stay this year while i'm 2000 (I made that number up, I have no idea how far it is) miles away? Will I make a whole new group of lifelong friends? Or just some friends to pass the months with? I mean so far I'm still super close to the people that matter, so I'm really not too worried that I'll just like suddenly stop being friends with those people, but it'll be hard. Hopefully (crosses fingers) I'll have wireless in my apartment, which would be nice b/c then I can talk computer to computer using Skype like a telephone (with microphones & stuff) for free, which would be SO nice. but even if I have no wireless, I can still get emails sometimes & we'll just stay updated that way.
I also have NO idea what the next 9 months will be like. I am SO psyched b/c this is like the experience of a lifetime. When else will/would I have the chance to just take off & go gallivant around Europe for 9 months with hardly a care in the world? Exactly, never. But at the same time...I took one semester of Italian. I can sorta understand some minimal stuff, but even what I did know has faded a lot of it since it's been 3 1/2 months since the class ended. I am now being thrown into an environment where I'll be expected to communicate with people in this completely foreign language. And yeah, after a while I'll get the hang of it, but it's gonna be hard for a while. Like really hard. But at the same time, I"m so excited to just dive right in & see what happens. AND now, for the first time in my life, I'll be living on my own. I hafta cook for myself, shop for my groceries, drag my laundry halfway across town, book my own reservations at hostels & make my own travel plans...idk. Just absolutely everything will be on my own. and I'm pscyhed. like absolutely positively stoked. but at the same time, I'm also absolutely postively petrified. But I think everyone needs to do something that terrifies them every now and then. Going to school, going to Italy, moving to a new city or town, starting a new job, idk, stuff like that. I think it's good to do something scary to prove to yourself that you can. So I guess in a weird kind of way I'm glad to be doing something terrifying. But still terrified nonetheless.