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Aug 24, 2005 09:40

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Can eako2107 do a headstand?Probably yes :)If bralesslut and justin_face were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?LOL! I love this question.
justin_facewould be the fearless sidekick :) Where do you think westhill_mom is right now?Daydreaming of her sweetie . Doesn't matter WHERE she is. That is what she is doing :)Have you ever seen baiku naked?NO! And that makes me kinda sad :( heheheWhat happened the last time you and luvforever were hanging out together?Well, we saw aliens. Derr. We have yet to hang out. Does sunni_delite have a funny-shaped head or what?Kinda ;) hahaWhat is cottonsong's religion?hes ANTI-religion. So I would say hes a free spirit.What kind of person would you set up with gwenigsmark?Umm, someone hippie-ish and emo-ish and punk-ish. Whom is xosaira attracted to?Her husband :)Could you take billies_chick21 in a fight?NO WAY! SHES PREGNANT! So I would let her beat me :)How many people has poursumsugarome seduced?HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!! TOO MANY TO COUNT!! And I know jasonbondshow can attest to that!How many siblings does mickrave have?Oh god, umm. None ?
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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