This week made me realize......I hate my group of friends. Not OG friends *represent* but my TBT friends.......I'm gonna tell them to put up or shut up on Monday.
My Freind I urge caution in your endevour. This seem's like it will be a high-tension emotional situation. Don't get yourself hurt.
While I have full confidance in your capability to defend yourself against one opponent, If you get stuck in an engagment where you are outnumbered or outarmed by hostiles I fear the tactical situation would be unfaivorable to your cause.
Please Don't get yourself hurt.....and on top of that you don't want to get expelled nor massed by an SRO.
The Reiki energy is cleaning out my body and they're just becoming more "I'm gonna mess with people for kicks." And I can't have a negative vibe like that around me anymore. So, next week I'm gonna draw a line. That's all.
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While I have full confidance in your capability to defend yourself against one opponent, If you get stuck in an engagment where you are outnumbered or outarmed by hostiles I fear the tactical situation would be unfaivorable to your cause.
Please Don't get yourself hurt.....and on top of that you don't want to get expelled nor massed by an SRO.
Keep us updated Belyea.
Oh, and definitely OG represent! ^_^
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