Title: Untitled
Genre: ASoIaF
Main Pair/Char: Sansa/Sandor
Beta'd: Nope, so please point out mistakes.
Rating: PG
Length: 784 words
Posted at:
sansaxsandorAuthor's Note: This is downright bribery for
redcandle17 to write LJS fanfic. An AU where Sansa is Queen and Sandor is Kingsguard. Title suggestions would be sweet.
Untitled )
Comments 6
I know that's not how you meant it, but I'll tell myself the baby's Sandor's. Sandor has the same coloring and features as Ned/Jon/Arya and Arya is repeatedly assumed to be Sandor's daughter in the third book when they're travelling together - something that makes SanSan shippers very happy since we assume it means Sansa could claim any dark-haired grey-eyed, sharp-featured babies she had just happened to take after her father's side of the family. ;)
You used periods instead of commas at the end of all the dialogue but otherwise everything looks correct to me. /technical review
You're going to love the SanSan scenes in book two. I hope you get a chance to read it soon. Anyway, what kind of LJS fic do you want?
As far as a LJS fic goes, I'm not picky. I prefer the Night World genre over the other series.
Give me more prompts and I can write something better for you. I'm sorta stuck until I read the next book, which I think I will go buy today.
Oh, good. I was afraid I was being overzealously SanSanish. :D
I prefer the Night World series to the trilogies too. I'll try to think of something longer than drabble length.
Give me more prompts and I can write something better for you.
I'm far too SanSan-deprived to politely decline. :P How about an AU wherein Sandor comforts Sansa after her father's execution or after the first time Joffrey has her beaten?
It was so cute! ^_^ (And I didn't really notice any mistakes.)
Heh, that was a great idea. :D
(And, good luck with any other fic you will write! :D)
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