Title: Survivor Genre: Harry Potter Main Pair/Char: Marcus Flint/Katie Bell Beta'd: No Rating: R Length: 1,643 words Prompt: Survivor, ( 11/50) Posted at:
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It's not so traumatic as it is very, very difficult. Well, I guess it is a little traumatic, otherwise she wouldn't be so crazy. I do have an idea for a story featuring these two. I'm debating about going ahead and making a chaptered fic or trying to stay with the prompt table.
Very sexy piece! I hope there's another coming in the series, this new Katie is interesting. Nice to see something different from the usual characterization.
Thanks! I have firm ideas for more, but I can't promise anything. I'm glad you liked Katie, I just hope the characterization doesnt get too different or out there. It makes sense to me, but I'm weird.
Wow, your katie/flint is incredibly awesome. Haven't read something this good for a long time. Please write/post more! And I like that there's more tension and teasing than anything else... makes it all that much more delicious.
Comments 9
I'm also very curious about Katie's traumatic past. I'm hoping this is a new series.
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