He seemed like a perfect nusance. Anyone would have been fooled by that smirk and the way his eyes flashed with mischief whenever he saw me. He always brought out the worst in me, with his snarky, biting comments. I couldn't help myself, my responses were automatic, and slightly insulting. But it was better then the alternative.
Every time he flashed those eyes, or that smile, I wanted to tell him I loved him.
They didn't know what was in store for them later in life, but right now it was just fine to be together. It was like the movie montage of two best friends that secretly wanted to be together. Except they were together. It was a very strange scenario.
"Eric, over there!" Ella was so easily distracted with the goings on of the world, almost as if she'd never seen them, though he knew that wasn't true. Part of him wanted to keep her this innocent and excited, but he knew that was impossible.
Instead, he wanted to be the one to show her everything there was to see.
"Nanny, why is there a tree in the living room?" Haruhi smiled down at three year old Ayame. How long had it been since the children last, if ever, celebrated Christmas?
"Because it's a decoration, to celebrate a holiday about family, and giving to others."
"But, Ayame doesn't have a family." The little girl only spoke in third person when she was upset, and the comment obviously backed that up.
"Of course you have a family."
"Nu-uh," the girl protested, "'s only me, daddy, and brother. We don't have a mommy, so we're not a real family. School says so."
Haruhi didn't have an answer, so she sat there, speechless with grief.
She was everything he could have wanted. Dark hair piled up in curls, and a 1950's red dress that fit just perfectly. She stood at the counter, ordering something, though he was too caught up in her to care what else was going on.
The girl turned to face her friend, and he could see that her eyes were an electric shade of blue. As if he needed another reason to want her.
The music was loud, and it was a costume party filled with less then sober patrons. It wouldn't be so out of place for him to introduce himself, but he found himself unable to move towards the girl, instead he simply watched her as she walked out the door forever.