Mike rubbed her back a little letting her cry. He knew that she was trying to be strong and brave for everyone, but really, she was a five year old girl. Everything that had happened to her so far cut deep into his heart since he felt it was his responsibility to keep her safe. It was clear his parents weren’t cut out for that job.
After a while he noticed light snoring from the lump next to him and smiled. She was emotionally drained, so he didn’t mind that she had fallen asleep on him. Two figures were coming up the drive and he tensed slightly, trying not to wake her.
“Mike, where the others?”
“David and Tony are babysitting Sarah.” He replied as he carefully picked up Trin as she slept. The little girl moaned a little but wrapped her arms over his shoulders snuggling more into him. “Any sign of Mom yet?”
Alexander shook his head. “We’re still looking. Miles said she didn’t leave a clear path. We found out what happened at the hospital though. Good thing you two left when you did. The place was rigged to trap the two of you in the room she was in.”
“How’s she?” Eric asked worriedly.
“She had a small breakdown. I’m worried the stress is really messing with her. But there’s nothing we can really do.” Mike hated being useless when it came to his sister. “She blames herself for what’s going on. I don’t think I convinced her it wasn’t her fault… but at least she’s sleeping right now. I have a feeling it’ll be a hard night for her.”
“Well, makes you feel better Beth and I will be stopping by your place tomorrow. Do you want us to get anything of her’s?”
“There’s a doll that should be in her room. It’s an old rag doll. Might help her sleep through the night better.”
Alex nodded to him and patted her head lightly, careful not to wake her. “All of you will be safe out here. I covered the tracks and it’s not like anyone will know you’re out here. Should buy a few days. The group that caused the damage at the hospital Will kill you four if they catch you. To get at those of us in Moonpride.” AleX was glad his daughter was asleep. “I need to talk to David. Figure out how we’re going to keep the four of you safe and find Marcy.”
“Teach me how to control what I did before. I’ll make sure my sisters are safe.”
Trinity stirred. “Something is in the woods. Feels cold.” Her voice was blank as she spoke, showing no emotion. Mike glanced down at her. Her eyes were wide open but she didn’t seem to be looking at anyone.
Alex glanced to the Woods. “Mike get her inside.” /Is that how the spell we wove in to her Will work? Did we make her some sort of warning?/ He thought as he watched the kids go in. “Doc you to.”
Alex looked up as the creature barreled out of the woods towards the door. Usuring Eric after his daughter and her brother he closed the door putting his back to it.
Magic flew at the Beast but didn’t stop it. It battered him away.
“Your clan will fall this night unless you hand over the sacrifice you created.”
Mike set Trinity on the couch glaring a moment. “Tony I need chalk.” His eyes were glowing slightly. “Doc, watch Trin.”
Tony noted the look. “David’s working on a protective circle, take her to him. And stay in it. Trust me. You don’t want to get hit with whatever Mike does right now. Untrained magic’s usually not something to mess with.” He frowned as Mike started for the door.
Trinity struggled against Eric as he held her. “Let go. Don’t let Mike out there.”
“Go,” Tony shoved them further in while he went after Mike. “Damn it Michael, you’re scaring Trin.”
Michael didn’t bother stopping, tearing open the door he pulled Alex in and stepped outside closing the door behind him.
“You’re not getting in this house.”
The large beast turned looking at the boy. “Marcy’s first born. You’d think that she would have taught you well enough not to charge into things without thinking boy. Bring your sister to me and I’ll let you live. If not, I’ll be cutting you up into little bits.”
“You’re not that strong. You’re not even the one that scared Mother into hiding. You’re not even behind it. Who are you and what to you want with my sister.”
The beast was thrown back as Mike looked up. It snarled trying to get closer. Something held it still. Growling it snapped it’s jaw at him.
“You’re not strong enough to hold me wizard.”
“Yet I’m holding you at bay now. Now tell me what do you want with my sister?”
“She’s a key to finding Marcy. We need her if we’re going to get our revenge on her.”
“Then like hell I’m giving her to you.” He twisted his hand and the thing’s neck snapped. Falling to his knees he put both hands on the ground. The ground around the beast started pulling apart, seeming to bury it.
Tony tore open the door and blinked. “What the… Mike, where is it?”
“Dead. Buried.” He was breathing heavily. Tony knelt next to his friend. “Not a single cut…”
“No. And don’t ask me what I did, because I really don’t know. Feel like I drank a whole bottle of whiskey though.”
Tony shook his head helping him up. “Come on, let’s get you inside ya nut. And don’t you ever do anything like that again. Trin’s probably terrified, and like hell I’m letting you scare her more. I’d have to deck you.”
“They want her because she’s some key to finding mom.”
Tony sighed. “Leave it to Marcy to use her blood as a tracking system.” He stretched a little. “If that’s the case Gramps’ll figure a way to unlock how to get her to tell. He’ll make sure not to hurt her too.”
Word count: 1028