OI (sur)VEY!

Aug 25, 2003 01:48

1. Name you wish you had? Prostheticus Limbicus
2. Astrological sign? Sagittarius, centaur, cousin to the minotaur, second cousin of the satyr! Hahah.
3. Main life aspiration? Just to be happy. *gag*
4. Favorite band ever and why? The Ramones, and HOW COULD THEY NOT BE???
5. What one thing would you ask God if it was real and you met him? C'mon, can't I shock someone with lightning just ONCE?
6. Where's your head at? At the drive in, in the old man's porsche...
7. What are you going to name your kids? Boy: Eric or Donovan Girl: Anna or Evelyn
8. Sinner or saint? Total and complete sinner with saintly tendencies.
9. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes.
10. Come on, you secretly watch sex and the city...? OF COURSE! I get tips! ;) Kidding.
11. So, what's the score? Lindsay: 19 Satan: 666
12. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? Oh so well, I can, I can!
13. Most of your underwear is: boring.
14. Inny or outy? Inny
15. Morning ritual? Purr, growl, scratch, kiss, squint, yawn, back to sleep.
16. What sport do you actually not mind watching? Lacrosse.
17. What pickup line would actually work on you? If you were a burger at McDonald's, I'd call you McBeautiful. *swoons*
18. Name some of your past Halloween costumes? Nurse, Courtney Love from hell, minnie mouse, Jem,
19. Did you let the dogs out? NO, and whoever did is DEAD.
20. What was your first kiss's name? Cory Martin.
21. How many best friends have you had? a lot :/
22. Were you born out of wedlock? Yes, i'm a bastard.
23. Do I intrigue you? Yes in a randsom note sort of way...
24. What is the best name for a pet monkey? Pacino.
25. What's in your cup right now? I have no cup.
26. What's in the stars for you? Modern day romance and a life less ordinary.
27. If you could choose your mate by their zodiac sign, which would you choose? Gemini <333
28. Is less really more? It all depends on the junk in the trunk.
29. How many concerts have you been to? About 80, i'd say.
30. Do you collect flyers from shows? I used to, but I packed away my pack-rattish tendencies recently.
31. What magazines do you read? Jane, Cosmo, Vice, Guitar World, Tattoo Savage.
32. Chicks with oven mitts or guns? GUNS POR VIDA BABY.
33. what's on the floor next to your bed? Beer bottles, lubrication, textbooks, clothes, mail.
34. Are you on any medication? Just birth control.
35. What would your DJ name be? I wanted DJ TANNER but I recently found out that it's taken.
36. How low can you go? Low enough to see up that skirt of yers. But then my cracked tailbone starts throbbing and you catch on to my schemes.
37. What vegetable wouldn't you eat even for 100$? Peppers or zucchini.
38. Elvis or the Beatles? The Beatles are god, but Elvis had that pelvic thrust thing going on ... which of course means that he was a good, catholic boy.
39. What is your dream car? An old '59 Chevy Impala in glossy black with white details and CHROOOOMMMMMMEEE.
40. What would your MASH results be? Ryan the dirty sexy mechanic, go-go dancer for the cramps, apartment, 1 boy, a black or red GTO, new york city or Vancouver BC.
41. Summer person or Winter person? Full time ice princess.
43. Are you in college? Yes.
44. What for? To get real smart...haha Legal Office Admin.
45. What do you hope to do after school? Get a job with a small real estate office or law firm at first, and build experience so I can get a job as a legal secretary/paralegal with a huge law firm.
46. What's your dream job? Go-go dancer for the Cramps!!!
47. If you had one not so serious wish? I wish to be able to go back in time and see Faith No More in concert after either Angeldust or King For A Day came out *sigh* Also can be used with the Ramones in place of Faith No More.
48. Who do you tell secrets to? My hand.
49. Who do you talk about you sex stuff with? Ryan, Sloth, random people on the street.
50. who gives you advice? My daddy, i guess.
51. WHo gives you confidence? Ryan sometimes, haha.
52. who is your hero? Meh. I don't do heroes.
53. who is your sidekick? My bebeh boy.
54. How many people are you actually pretty good friends with online? A few.
55. Who do you talk to online that you'd love to hang out with in real life? I don't really do the messenger thing, so I don't know too many people very well online except from Livejournal. And there are plenty of cool people on Lj, especially my homey AJ bmonkey13! She's close to me in location, so it's feasable I guess.
56. What's the grossest bug? Spiders and giant moths (ew owl moths *cries*)
57. What bug isn't really so bad? BEES!!!! awwwwwwww I wuv wittle bees. <3
58. Song you can't stop listening to at the moment? Mansun & 808 State - Skin Up Pin Up.
59. What pins are on your bag, baby? A couple Jude The Obscure ones, A RHPS one, a Johnny Rotten one, and a spider.
60. how many shot glasses do you own? A couple, but one is just one very cool one.
61. What's on your walls? pictures of old friends, these wicked black and white prints of Elvis and the beatles and jimi hendrix and paul weller, um my art, a tiger calender, a Summer of Sam poster, a Psycho poster, a Rush poster, a Detroit Rock City poster, A Stigmata poster, a Faith No More poster, etc. That's at my room at home. Here we've got some posters, and some pictures of Ryan's friends, and a shelf, and little cactuses from when this used to be his brother's room haha. ANd a few holes in the wall from things like punching and beds banging into them from knockin' boots.
62. Favorite place for small shows? The Reverb, the Underground.
Concerts? Copps Coliseum, Molson Amphitheater is Okay...
63. Do you own any wigs? YES! 3. More to come!
64. What are you going to be for Halloween this year? Me and Ryan are either going to be Wayne and Garth, or I'm going to be Betty Rubble or a sixties mod spy chick.
65. Rare, medium or well done? Medium rare with just a little dribble of blood to satisfy my carnal pleasures.
66. Why don't you like steak, you stupid vegan? I'm not a vegan, you stupid surveyer.
67. What reunion tour HAS to happen? FAITH NO MORE!!!
68. What is in your bag/purse at all times? Brush, bank card, license, makeup, lists, toothpicks, bobbypins & elastics, work schedules.
69. Where do you go to get away? The waterfall, the car, Toronto, anywhere but here?
70. What's your favorite website these days? www.homestarrunner.com is always up there, www.saltwaterchimp.com,
71. Dominator or submissive? It's fun to act the former but I really like being put in the latter position. But I'm a DAMN good domme, and I've been told such.
72. Most annoying word? Emo, shiznit, oh snap, le sigh, like whoa.
73. Word you say that you know is stupid but you can't help but say it all the time? Forreals, shizz, shite,
74. Current obsessions? Recipes, workout books, Salem's Lot, picking my teeth.
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