Ugly day, the sun is shining; every clouds got a silver lining.

Jul 15, 2005 21:49

Well what can I say about life so far? Well I have worked 7 full days up until yesterday. And on this yesterday, yesterday being a Thursday btw, I picked Tyler and Brandon up from school. Got 5 Bucks in gas money AND a free 20oz of Mt. Dew. Then Jil called me n asked if we were still going to hang out (I thought she had cancelled on me cuz she ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

princessblue158 July 17 2005, 10:12:40 UTC
Yeah those 2 days were really fun I'd have to say my favorite days of summer so far. Unfortunately Jil is leaving today, I'm going to miss her. I REALLY enjoyed the four of us hanging out together like that. I hope that we can all hang out again once she returns.


2blonde2care July 17 2005, 16:00:06 UTC
Hey you!!!! I miss you! I haven't hung out with you in what seems like forever! OK, lets hang out sometime this week... I'm not sure when... but yeah.. I'll ttyl
love you


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