Feb 27, 2009 15:37
I am sick of the new age male. You all know who i'm talking about. He's between 16 and 23 has dyed hair with regrowth coming out and his fringe goes diagonally across his forehead. his jeans are picked from the right hand side of the store and i don't mean the correct side. he wears purple shoes and has a t-shit referencing his favourite indie-pop-rock-scene-metal band with an obscure name that sounds like a guatemalan princess or some variety of donkey. and if its not that he dresses like ellen degeneres to go and get a haircut whilst he reminisces about that marvellous ukranian film he saw in a theatre above somebody's apartment. he is a vegetarian by personal choice. this man sips a cafe latte and drinks everything else through a straw.
what i am campaigning for is a return of the bread-winning man, the man who's reward for providing for his family is that he gets the biggest steak come dinner time, the man who doesn't need to be thanked when his child wins an award because he already knows that there is no chance any of that would've happened if he hadnt worked 2 jobs so that his children could eat and have power in the house. when goes to the pub he wears jeans and a t-shirt when he goes out to dinner with his wife he wears a shirt and tie and when he's at home he wears whatever the hell he wants. this man doesn't go to a hairdresser, he goes to a barber and he only has 3 reactions to a song, if its bad he folds his arms and looks out the window, if its good he taps his foot and if its by jimmy barnes he puts his arm around his mate a screams the words so that he can be heard throughout the entire establishment. the breadwinning man has a million stories, each a mile long most concerning the sport he played as a young man. this is a man who only has 2 ways to shape his facial hair; in a moustache or clean shaven. This man will only shed a single tear beyond childhood and that is at his fathers funeral.
To quote a bad rock ballad; "where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? where's the streetwise hercules to fight the rising odds?"