May 25, 2010 00:02
- 11:02 ok Britomart where are the links to the TRANSPORT SERVICES available at your wonderful centre. #
- 11:06 Right, the bus I want stops near the Britomart. #
- 11:07 @ Aethylred err, that recommends I walk the last 136m to from the Ferry Terminal to Britomart... is that because it's quicker? #
- 14:45 I'm sorrt Stuff, you're no
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May 23, 2010 00:02
- 14:00 Google Logo today is pacman... and it's playable #
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May 22, 2010 00:01
- 09:03 Lazyweb, is Telecom NZ's OneOffice product, market speak for "We VPN your sites together"? #
- 09:20 @ Aethylred the more I read (PDF) the more it looks like they're selling the features of a Cisco ASA5500 as services... #
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May 21, 2010 00:01
- 09:59 @ jsrnz personally, I'm just glad that various hygine products have cured that epidemic of spilling blue liquids #
- 10:58 @ dresdencodak B, but can you do that all day? #
- 15:12 argh! RedHat calls it kernel-devel-<ver>.plusxen CentOs calls it kernel-xen-devel-<ver> #
- 16:31 hmm, Fitz the boar is digging up the ground a bit. Looks like
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May 19, 2010 00:01
- 13:25 @ norightturnnz the reasoning "we have more important things to deal with" I liked most. #
- 13:28 @ norightturnnz also shows the 'gaming the system' culture that evolves when you put performence targets on something like policing #
- 14:31 @ norightturnnz hmm, is the timeframe for OIA longer than what's require to pull up an MP on misleading
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May 18, 2010 00:01
- 09:11 @ serafinowicz Man Bites Dog is one of my favorite Serial Killer movies. #
- 09:13 @ svs that's the same fallacious argument used for pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. #
- 10:44 Bought a cheap @vodaphonenz it's cheap, it's just a phone, and I don't hate it. #
- 10:49 @ Aethylred @vodaphonenz in particular I like how it just plugs into a PC
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May 17, 2010 00:02
- 16:29 @ wombleton eh, what? Nothing happens in geosci that takes less than 5 years. #
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