
Dec 31, 2011 20:04

Player Information

Name: Manda
Age: 24
AIM SN: wannamarryrussia
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Currrently Played Characters: n/a
Conditional: Activity Check Link: n/a
Conditional: Official Reserve Link: Right here

Character Information

Canon Source: Hellsing
Canon Format: Manga/OVA
Character's Name: Seras Victoria
Character's Age: Unknown in canon, approximately around 20 in appearance
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. n/a

What form will your character's NV take? A gothic looking mirror, actually a touch screen computer with recording and holographic video capabilities.

Character's Canon Abilities: As a vampire, Seras possesses:
- Clairvoyance, usually described as a 'third eye' which allows her to sense incoming threats and pick out targets, even though solid objects
- Superhuman strength
- Superhuman speed/reflexes
- Shadow manipulation emanating from the stump of her left arm after it was cut off by Zorin Blitz, she can use this ability to form shadow blades as well as to fly
- High-level regeneration
- Advanced Marksmanship
- Shape-shifting, though this is limited to things like hair and clothing
- Immortality
- Superhuman senses
- Advanced Combat/hand to hand due to her police training
- Intangibility (for brief moments)
- She is also shown in canon to be able to appropriate the souls of those whose blood she drinks as familiars (notably Pip Bernadette) though while being in SP she won’t be able to access this power
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? n/a
Weapons: n/a

Character History: All here in the wiki
Point in Canon: After Pip Bernadotte’s death, killing Zorin Blitz and reuniting with Integra in London
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: Seras was born to a family much like she was in canon. Said family also died tragically as they did in canon, but this time it was orchestrated by a criminal named Larxene. The orphaned Seras grew up to become a police officer in the Neo Genesis Police Department, but one night soon after starting her job her memory blanked and in the weeks that followed she came to realise she had become a vampire.

Stalked by Larxene, who took interest in the child of her two former victims, Seras struggled to hide and deal with what she was. Eventually the Police Chief Vargret became aware of her nature at a bloody crime scene where Seras' control lapsed and she tried to lick up the victim’s blood from the floor. After gaining her promise that she would never harm anyone he began to help her with obtaining blood to drink when she very slowly began to come around to the idea of eating it. One day soon after, when in pursuit of Larxene through the cities treacherous Abyss level she fell foul of the demon ruler of a demented circus, Belial, who began torturing her until the vampire Alucard unexpectedly appeared after sensing Seras' distress. Initially puzzled over her existence and how she could be his fledgeling when neither remembered her creation, he rescued her from the circus and helped her recover before teaching her about what she was.

Unfortunately Seras' life then took a number of downturns, Alucard and Chief Vargret vanished, leaving her without a master and one of her only friends, in addition Vargret was replaced with a man named Yaha, whose misogynistic views and abuse of his power grated on her. She had also gained romantic feelings towards Vargret and his loss was a double blow. Determinedly she vowed in his memory to watch over his adopted son Shikamaru and keep him safe. Seras followed through on her vow, gaining a friend in Shikamaru and when she lost control of herself, going into a berserker rage in the streets and attacking people after waking up from dying in a cruel Battle Royale staged game created by the city, it was Shikamaru who calmed her down and then gave her somewhere to hide from the authorities, living with his older brother Hidan.

Now a publically known murderer, Seras kept her head below the radar and did whatever she could to aid Shikamaru, including trying to protect another version of himself who came to the city from the Omega agents who wished to erase him. This ultimately failed, but it left Shikamaru with the knowledge that Neo Genesis was not where any of them belonged and he was determined to find a way out and back home. When he did, Seras agreed to go with him and his friends without a second thought.

Character Personality: For a vampire, Seras is remarkably light-hearted, friendly and cheerful. Despite all the horrors she's seen in her life Seras retains optimism and naivety. She can remain goodhearted and kind even in the worst of situations and despite her nature calling for her to drink the blood of humans, she still feels bad for it until a situation desperate enough pushes her past this guilt. Seras is also quite inexperienced in sexual matters, a virgin throughout the series and easily embarrassed by any flirtatious action directed towards her.

At the same time, Seras demonstrates a strange baseness. These are most obvious when she goes into what can be described as a berserker state. When confronted with something that makes her truly angry or afraid she descends to a point where she becomes animalistic, fighting and acting purely on instinct. During these periods she becomes virtually unstoppable, paying no attention to wounds inflicted on her until someone or something happens to calm her down (in canon, this was done through Integra's intervention). It is also during this state that Seras shows a sadistic side, taking pleasure in killing and causing pain as brought on by her vampire nature. It also throws back to the trauma she experienced at her parents murder, when she first entered this state and her unusually strong will to live first came to light. Early on in the series she was horrified when she realised what she had done when in this state, but after Pip Bernadotte’s death she came to accept it as part of herself.

Seras is extremely stubborn and refuses to give up no matter how bad things get. She will struggle through any adversity through her sense of duty and desire to win. The one time when it seemed she would despair, pushed beyond her limits, it was the actions of Pip Bernadette which convinced her to carry on fighting.

Extremely dedicated to the people she cares about; previous loss in Seras’ life gives her a fear of a repeat. She will willingly throw herself into danger to protect those important to her. Her relationships with other characters in the series show her capability for trust and loyalty, as well as faith in those around her. Though seen to be reluctant to harm humans during the manga (as seen when she watches Alucard kill a number of human soldiers in Brazil) Seras quickly adapts to have seemingly no guilt in taking out supernatural beings such as ghouls and vampires, particuarly when she is defending someone she cares about.

As a fault, one of Seras' weaknesses can be her confidence. This mostly comes into play with those people she knows and is attached to, her desire to impress and do well by her master Alucard for example leaves her easily affected by the negative comments he puts on her. Additionally the rare times where he does give her praise are very important to her, like getting approval from a parent, something she has lacked in her life since her own parents murders. However she is still willing to disobey his commands if it conflicts with her own judgement of the right thing to do. She is also easily startled when encountering the unfamiliar but adapts quickly after the initial shock wears off.

By far the biggest canon change in Seras’ personality came when Pip Bernadotte, the mercenary commander Seras had begun to develop romantic feelings for was killed after he attempted to save her from attack by Zorin Blitz on Hellsing headquarters. As he died he asked her to drink his blood so they could defeat the Millennium soldier together, when she did so Seras shed her fear and hesitation to embrace her vampire nature and violent side to become stronger and defeat her opponent with Pip’s soul fighting alongside her own. As she would later tell the Vatican priest Alexander Anderson she now “dreaded nothing” in wake of embracing her true nature, dreadful as it was. Now at peace with her need to drink blood and comforted by the constant companionship of Pip Bernadotte from that moment on Seras was able to put her all into the battle in front of her.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: When she was taken to Neo Genesis, Seras' personality was set back to how it was at the beginning of the Hellsing manga. Shy, eager to please, optimistic and lacking in confidence.

During her time in Neo Genesis Seras went through no end of strife and events that forced her to develop positively much as she did in canon. With her true personality and memories hidden away inside her, her confidence and determination to succeed bounded ahead quickly when similar events happened in-game. During her time there, she faced a lot of adversity, those with violent intent towards her, a stalker and a discriminant boss. Police Chief Yaha who detested her for being female and a threat towards the attention of the former-chief Vagret before he disappeared.

The discrimination gave her a caustic edge as she fought against it, enabling her to speak out better, be sharper in her replies. Watching how Police Chief Yaha abused his power and tried to force his attentions on others pushed her sense of justice to be stronger, what with her own remembered trauma of her parent’s murder to back it.

Additionally, living with Shikamaru's brother Hidan made her more casual towards violence and her own violent side. The two would often argue and as two immortals this could, and often did, end in bloody fights.

Character Plans: To continue on her relationships with other Neo Genesis characters that have come to SP, as well as forge new ones with the characters there. Given her previous history as a police officer and with Hellsing it is likely Seras may join the police force or take up some kind of security work to protect others. During all of this she will continue to look for a way home.

Appearance/PB: Icons

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
'Ello? [The screen blurs a moment as she turns the NV in her hands] Have I got this working? It's a bit different from what I'm used to. [Have a slight awkward smile, somewhat offput by red eyes and canines teeth that might be a big too sharp]

I just got here you see and I was wanting to make an enquiry. See I was travelling with some friends and well -- [she looks a little sad] they weren't around when I woke up.

One of them's a Japanese boy, goes by Shikamaru. Dark hair and eyes, usually wears his hair back [Yep she's trying to tug her own short blonde locks up into a high ponytail], usually looks rather bored. [and putting on the expression for a brief moment] It'd be really nice if someone could help me out here.

My name's Seras Victoria.

Third Person Sample
Seras’ mind felt like it was screaming, clashing in a tempest of memories duking it out for domination. She had hit the hard dirt in full battle pose, shadows lashing from the stump of her left arm, teeth sharp and bared to the world through pulled back lips. This pose fumbled and failed as she crashed to her knees, one existing hand pressed to her face while dark tendrils curled round their mistress as if a shield, reflecting the inward distress that was currently ravaging her.

Where was she meant to be? Who was she meant to be?

Seras Victoria, this much was clear. Seras Victoria, former police girl, vampire fledgling of Alucard and servant to Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing of the Hellsing Organisation. But which Seras? Seras who had been in a blood soaked and fire scoured London, protecting her mistress from Nazi and Vatican scum or… or was she Seras Victoria of Neo Genesis? A young vampire without master or allegiance, except to a small group of friends, some whose faces seemed to fade from her memory even as she grasped at them.

She could not say how long it was she sat there fighting her nausea, while the two Seras’ warred and then slowly came to an accord, a peace. Each line of memories found its correct place within her mind and allowed her to think. She knew who was the truth and who was the lie but even the lie had some lasting truth. The false Seras’ life had still been real, the experiences she’d gone through in that city had happened and the people she’d known there...

They’d been supposed to be finding a way home, away from Neo Genesis to the worlds they belonged to.

This place wasn’t Neo Genesis, but neither was it war-torn London and there was not a soul in sight that she knew, no soul in sight at all. Where she was, it wasn’t where she was meant to be. “Need to get uo.” She told herself. This was no time to be sitting around feeling sorry for herself, Mr Bernadotte - she supposed she should really call him Pip now - would surely agree and with that thought came another startling realisation. Pip’s soul wasn’t with her, Pip wasn’t with her… well of course he hadn’t been there in Neo Genesis either but - the sense of loss was sharp.

“It's not the time.” Seras cut that train of thought off, shaking her head and standing up straight, folding back her shadows into the shape and disguise of a normal arm Not the time to be panicking about things like that. Getting to her feet she observed she was stood in one of those... er, a baseball diamond? She thought so, not being overly familiar with American sports but it certainly wasn’t a rounder’s field, Seras could tell that much.

Looking about herself now she could see there were signs everywhere, official looking signs, words of greeting and information. Well that was a start to finding out where she was. Seras began to make her way over to them, hoping for answers.

application, *ooc

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