1. What is your character's attitude toward education and learning, either formal or informal?
Formal education... Basch feels it's important, but not important for him -- he's too old and stuck in his ways with a highly specialized skill set to really make anything of it. He was yanked from school when he was 13, and didn't do really well scholastically before then, so it's not like he misses it. This won't stop him from being generally grousy at the young people he knows if they don't get one themselves, though.
2. Does your character like to read? If so, what does he like to read, when, and how?
Basch actually can't read very well and has worked his way up from being near-illiterate in his late twenties, when being literate became a job requirement as he was an officer... so it's a labor of love. His practices reading classical literature that's aimed below his age bracket on his off-time, but other than paperwork, he avoids it. Pain in the ass.
3. What are your character's beliefs regarding death and the afterlife?
He's a huge believer in fate and the afterlife. If "it's your time to go, it's your time to go", but only because the fates have decided so. His God(ess) is one of hard work and backbreakin' labor, so in a simplistic way he probably believes he's going somewhere better than this when he goes, as he's appeased her in that regard.
4. What does your character believe to be his purpose in life?
Defense of the righteous (it usually ends up being royalty or politicians, by chance alone), servitude to King, country, etc. He's a loyal motherfucker; nothing else matters and he's set adrift if he doesn't have that. Everything else is window-dressing.
5. How does your character view the opposite sex?
With quiet bafflement. He has no idea what makes them tick, nor does he really care to find out, as long as they get on alright. They're people too, just... people who go on crying jags and can't really be depended on for level-headedness consistently. He's actually kind of chauvanistic in how he treats women as opposed to men; he'll expect men to be able to defend themselves better, so he'll always help a woman first if she's in trouble, whether she ends up needing it or not... then, you know, apologize. Force of habit.
6. What does your character consider to be the most beautiful thing he's ever seen?
The sky from Balthier's airship. Two years' imprisonment + sudden freedom from certain death + ride on awesome skimmer thing first thing out = \o/
7. What does your character consider to be the ugliest thing he's ever seen?
Massacre/carpet-bombing of Landis, hey hey.
8. How does your character feel about the idea of owning his own home?
He really couldn't care less whose name is on the papers as long as he can put his head down and be left alone.
9. What does your character feel most confident about?
That he can beat people up really good. Okay, no. He actually feels most confident about his capacity to lead; when people have confidence in him, it makes him feel good, etc. He loves his d00dz. They're his d00dz.
10. What does your character feel least confident about?
His physical appearance. He's all knotty with scars and he's getting older, plus he doesn't seem to be able to put the muscle back on that got eaten away when he was almost starved to death (pleasant). Being all hacked apart and grizzly works for intimidation, but he's plainly aware of the disadvantage it puts him at in social situations and that makes him :(
11. Your character wakes up to find a poisonous spider on his pillow next to his head. What does he do?
Stare at it, slowly move away, then smash it with a book he keeps by his bed. Flip over the pillow, resume sleep.
- How did it get there?
It hid in his armor from outside?
12. How far does your character believe he would go to achieve his most cherished goal?
Basch doesn't think about what he WOULD do, he just does it, for better or worse. So not far.
- How far would he really go? All the way, whether that entailst the goal or death. He's a stubborn mofo, sir.
13. Someone cuts off your character in traffic, or grabs the last of something your character wants to purchase before he can pick it up. How does he respond?
.oO(Hm, that sucks. Ooh, look, flatbread kiosk.)
14. What character trait most annoys your character when he experiences it in others?
Boastfulness. Also, never ask him "what are you thinking?". Chances are he's singing a little ditty in his head and you've disturbed a delicate balance.
15. What's the worst injury your character has ever received?
Being stabbed through a hip with a metal pike/javelin. It permanently separated the joint and almost severed his leg: now he has a nice scar and arthritis in it. Yay!
16. In what arena is your character most competitive?
Overawe! You don't intimidate Basch, Basch intimidates you, thx.
17. Does your character feel responsible for anyone besides himself?
Everrrrrybody. He's a herder archetype. Pretty much everyone he meets under a certain age is, default, under his care -- round 'em up, nip them a bit if they step out of line, make sure they don't hurt themselves.
18. What does your character spend his money on?
Food. And gifts for other people, but mostly food.
19. What's the worst illness your character has ever experienced?
He probably got the mumps or something when he was really little, or his arthritis if you count that. He's a hearty kind of guy, he doesn't really get sick sick.
20. What's the worst illness your character has ever witnessed?
His Mom and Dad both died of "the eating disease" (cancer) from being out in the fields in the summer all day, every day. That must have sucked.
21. Has your character ever watched someone die?
Yeah, but the only time he's not been the cause of it was probably his brother. Even with his troops, he'd probably put them out of their misery rather than watch it go down.
22. Has your character ever been witness to a serious crime?
LOL, Yes. o hay thar regicide.
23. How does your character view minor violations of the law?
Still violations. C'mere.
He's not likely to punish people for them if it involves something hardcore like cutting off a limb or whatever, but he'll berate the fuck out of you.
24. Does your character have a sense of "personal space"?
Jeebus, yes. He needs his quiet / alone "thinking" time, though he's not standoffish about it. His default is "alone thinking time", everything else just interrupts it.
25. Does your character have any artistic talents, such as writing, painting, playing an instrument, or singing? Are they well developed or raw and untrained? Secret or public?
He was a pretty talented, budding little metalsmith before he was enlisted.
26. How well does your character handle change?
Haaaaaaate. Hatehatehate. Chances are he worked fucking hard to balance them JUST SO, now they go and... argh.
27. Does your character enjoy surprises?
Not his favorite thing, but he doesn't complain as long as they're good.
28. Does your character tend to follow fads and trends? Does he studiously avoid them? Or does he do his own thing without worrying about it either way?
lol, hell no. He couldn't care either way (did you SEE what he wears?)
29. How does your character approach work? Is he organized and methodical? Disorganized and wild? Energetic and enthusiastic? Lazy and unconcerned? Something else entirely?
Organized, slow, methodical, almost plodding. If he can't get it down in one go, he's of the school of just chipping away at it bit by bit 'til the wall crumbles. He's the guy you see carrying his homework with him everywhere; maybe it'll make sense NOW...
30. Does your character prefer to adopt the latest technological conveniences, or does he prefer to rely on tried-and-true methods?
He really dislikes technology. Tools are where it's at: if he can't use tools for it, he probably shouldn't be doing it.
31. What does your character do, if anything, to take care of and preserve his own health?
His job is highly physical, and he eats just about everything in sight, so it's not like he goes out of his way to stay in shape/healthy. I guess avoiding recreational drugs and being responsible about his lifestyle choices, but that's about it.