Title: Anything?
bloodwolfgirl Chapter: One Shot
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
Rating: PG
Warnings: Un-Beta'd, possible cussing
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Summary: After witnessing Reita play Black Ops for over twelve hours Ruki is a little more than pissed. Reita has decided he needed to be on Ruki’s good side.
Disclaimer: I own them, Reita's my bitch, Kai cooks for me, Uruha and Aoi provide me with wonderful entertainment and Ruki is my cuddle buddy. OK, I don't own them...yet.
Comments: This idea struck me when my school had a two hour delay and the song Grenade by Bruno Mars was on when I fell back asleep. Then it was on when I got on the bus and then when I got home it was on. It was a sign from God I swear.
Ruki sat on the couch next to Reita, glaring angrily at the screen. He had pretty much been viewing a twelve and a half hours of Black Ops. He didn’t understand what Reita liked so much about it. Sighing he leaned against Reita. When that didn’t catch his attention he sighed again and began playing with Reita’s hair.
“Stop, Ru. I am about to get a personal high score.”
Grunting Ruki moved away from Reita and crossed his arms childishly. He hated that fucking game. Yeah, it was fun at first, but then Ruki got bored with it, Reita on the other hand was all over that like white on rice. Sometimes Ruki wondered if Reita could fuck the game, would he? Ew, bad thought. Getting up Ruki walked into the kitchen and began angrily writing a new song that suddenly popped into this head.
“Ruki! I got high score!”
“Oh good for you…lets see if you score in bed tonight, jerk.”
Ruki mumbled lowly so it wouldn’t be heard. The sounds of the game went silent and footsteps were heard as Reita entered the kitchen and kissed Ruki on top of his head and then went to the fridge. Sitting across from Ruki with an apple Reita noticed the singer scribbling furiously at hit note book.
Snapped Ruki, who was irritated.
“What’s the matter, babe?”
“Oh, nothing, y’know, being ignored for over twelve hours for a game and asked to make a sandwich over four times does not irritate a person at all! I am a ray of fuckin sunshine, a lovely ray of sunshine!”
Reita blinked, he was on Ruki’s bad side, that was not good.
“Aw, sweetie, you know I love you, that game won’t ever replace you.”
Ah, the one word answer, which silently and politely means ‘shut the fuck up now, or I will bust your balls’. Reita smiled and had an idea to get on Ruki’s good side.
“Hey, babe?”
“You know I love you lots and lots. Don’t ever for a minute forget that.”
“Don’t care, jackass.”
Reita smiled and got up walking around the table and crouched next to Ruki’s chair. Ruki paid him no mind at all.
“You know I’d catch a grenade for ya.”
Reita’s smile grew bigger as Ruki looked at him like he had grown another head.
“Throw my hand on a blade for ya.”
“I’d jump in front of a train for ya.”
Ruki had to force himself to scowl and speak in an angry voice.
“Ugh, Reita.”
“You know I’d do anything for ya.”
Reita smiled really big when Ruki couldn’t help but smile and lean down placing his forehead on Reita’s.
“If you’re trying to get on my good side, saying the lyrics to some stupid pop, R and B, rap whatever, won’t cut it babe. But…there is one thing you can do, since you’d so anything for me.”
“What’s that?”
“Break your Black Ops game.”
Oh, Reita should have seen that one coming from a mile away.
A/N: *shot by Reita and Ruki fans* Lawl. I’m sorry I had to. Dedicated to all you people who want to break your partner’s Black Ops game. Heh, personally I don’t care much for it, but yeah, I figured Ruki must be going through this since Reita loves video games ;D