So, okay, the Extended Cut? Made me hate the Synthesis ending. I was ambivalent about it before but now I want it to die in a fire just like the Reapers did when I chose the Destroy option.
I hate the Synthesis ending because of all that happy-go-lucky bullshit. Peace? Love? Goodwill? The Reapers helping them rebuild? I'm sorry, the idea of the Krogan becoming a peaceful species makes me want to vomit in my mouth. Uh, no. Get the fuck out of my face. Srsly. Out of my face. I don't want to hear about this garbage anymore.
I could have dealt with it if they had just made everyone partially synthetic but still them but what they did? That's a fucking personality change. What utter crap.
And okay, I never actually liked the Synthesis ending because what's the point? The differences between species is what makes them interesting. Conflict makes them interesting. I don't just mean fighting with bullets and biotics but differences in opinion and heated debate. If they made a game in the ME universe with everyone Synthesized I would be bored to tears. Who wants to play a game about everyone getting along? That's not reality. I know this is science-fiction so pretty much anything can go but it still doesn't make it interesting. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The best part of ME3 is how Shepard has to fight so hard (not just physically) to get everyone to agree to help Earth.
And the Refuse ending? Such a fucking slap in the face. You should be able to build up your EMS to such a point where you could win. It might end up a Pyrrhic victory but at least, Shepard and everyone else could win on their own terms. The fact that they even added this in there is really annoying.
I appreciate the clarity this brought to the endings but the endings themselves still suck. I have only re-played through the Destroy ending (I watched the Synthesis one youtube) and I imagine the things that happen after may be a little bit different depending on the choices you've made during your playthrough but it doesn't even matter anymore to me. They took what should have ended with multiple different endings and gave us only three: suck, suck harder, and suck even more than that.
It's kind of sad because they could have done so much more than they did. It could have been amazing... but it wasn't.
The only thing that I did like about any of the endings, was seeing Zaeed kicked back in his retirement pad in the Destroy ending. Because at least someone got a good ending out of this and I'm glad it was him.
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