Your Name: Phoenix
Contact: (email), (AIM) xenoqueen, (Plurk) TheXenoqueen
thexenoqueenTimezone: EST (GMT - 4:00)
Do you have other characters in this game? Nope!
Name: Tweedle=Dee and Tweedle=Dum
Fandom: Heart no Kuni no Alice / Alice in the Country of Heart
Age: Estimated 13-16
Physical Description: Dee and Dum are boys identical in almost every way. They have slight builds, soft facial features, stand roughly 5'2", and possess fair skin and ashy blue-grey hair that grows to the napes of their necks in no particular style. The only physical difference between them is in the color of their eyes: Dee's are a turquoise blue, while Dum's are a burgundy red. Their clothes are a riot of color attached to vaguely military style: these uniforms are liberally decorated with multicolor card suit insignias, and boldly patterned with two-tone stripes in color coordination with the eyes of the twin wearing it.
Standard fare for Wonderland. Their voices also vary to the attentive ear: Dee is a bright speaker with sharp enunciation, while Dum's manner of speech is mellower and slightly nasal.
One cannot always trust that Dee is Dee and Dum is Dum, however. The boys love to switch places, clothes, and voices, and even own colored contacts to complete the transformation. No one has ever been able to tell when they've traded places, much to their pleasure.
As a final fact that is not evident to the naked eye, the twins do not possess hearts. Instead, listening to their chests will reveal the steady ticking of a clock, though they are flesh and blood as would be expected in every other aspect.
Background: Dee and Dum come from a bloody version of Wonderland that is perpetually engaged in a territorial war. Most Wonderlanders are faceless cards, physically indistinct from one another and treated as expendable beings by those who are called "role-holders", of which Dee and Dum are two of twelve in the Country of Heart. As role-holders, they must follow the rules of Wonderland and its territorial "game". The twins' past is never explored, but by going off of the histories of other role-holders, we can assume that the boys were once cards, themselves, before they were chosen (without having a say in the matter) by the Wonderland game to fill their roles.
Dee and Dum are employed by the leader of the Hatter Mafia, Blood Dupre (the Mad Hatter), as the gatekeepers of the Hatter Mansion where Blood, his second-in-command Elliot March (the March Hare), and their various faceless servants and subordinates reside. They have a fearsome reputation throughout Wonderland and are known as "the Bloody Twins" due to their over-eagerness to attack enemies and allies alike -- literally killing first and asking questions later -- while guarding their gate. However, as young children who are easily bored, they have an equal tendency to abandon their post to play or relax, to Elliot's endless frustration as he is always the one to have to track them down and drag them back to work.
There is little that can be said of their life specifically until the arrival of Alice Liddell, a girl from the "outside world" separated from Wonderland by the realm of dreams. Going by game events that lead to the "Hatter End", the twins were the first residents of the Hatter Mansion to meet Alice. Being on duty at the time, they would have killed her if they had not been stopped by the timely arrival of Elliot March, who in turn would have killed her himself had Blood not arrived and reminded them all that they weren't supposed to kill visitors without his orders. Upon realizing that she was not a native Wonderlander, but an outsider and therefore special and unique in their world, the Hatters invited Alice to stay with them -- an invitation she ultimately accepted, as she believed all of Wonderland was a dream she was having, and therefore the contrast of being threatened and then treated kindly could be dismissed as just a strange dream.
Once Alice became a guest of the Hatter Family, the twins warmed up to her extremely quickly. They called her "big sister" and were always happy to talk with her or invite her to play with them, even though since their versions of games were usually dangerous, she often declined. Alice befriended Blood and Elliot as well and the four role-holders all grew very fond of her... although the rules of Alice's personal game seemed to suggest she could not stay forever. There was a little glass vial she carried, which slowly filled up more and more with a mysterious liquid as time went by. And when it was full completely, Alice thought she would have to go home....
The twins and Elliot thought so as well. When Alice was on the verge of returning to her world, they took the bottle from her and tried to destroy it, but neither bullets nor axes left the slightest mark on the glass. It was Blood who identified the bottle for what it really was: a representation of Alice's heart and her growing feelings that she should go home. That sense of responsibility, however, was not the same as wanting to go home. Elliot and the twins pleaded with her to stay, and Alice realized that what she wanted was to be wanted, herself, which all the Hatter role-holders did, however they chose to express it.
In the end, Alice decided to stay in Wonderland with the Hatters, and Dee and Dum got to keep their big sister.
Point in Story: After Heart game Hatter Mansion End
Personality: The Tweedle twins are a strange mix of innocently childlike and heartlessly cruel, and these aspects stand apart at some times while blending seamlessly (if unsettlingly) at others.
Although they are seasoned killers, the Tweedles are not emotionally mature for their age. As young children they are endlessly curious and have no sense of restraint. They can be selfish and self-centered, as the violent game and expendability of life in Wonderland have taught them not to respect the lives and needs of others, and they usually think of other people as nothing more than toys for their entertainment. However they are capable of truly coming to like and value another person (as they did with Alice), and in these cases they are very expressively affectionate, both in words and in wanting to touch/be near that person, although they can also be very possessively jealous in thinking of that person as "theirs".
Like most children, they love to play, possessing a large collection of toys to entertain themselves. Where some of these are actual toys, such as giant plushies or animal-shaped noisemakers that they take into the bath, others are the blades and other devices which make up their large collection of weapons. They'll skip out on work as often as they can and amuse themselves by getting into trouble, which could be as harmless as painting graffiti on the Mansion walls, or as deadly as going into battle with foes from the Castle of Heart or the Amusement Park, and they will set up spike-lined pit traps with great glee and pride. They speak of fighting and killing as a game with bright-eyed pleasure and anticipation, having second thoughts only when they find that rare foe (rare in Wonderland, at least) that is stronger than them -- in which case they are all too happy to avoid both the battle and the blow to their pride that comes from being defeated.
Although they often think and act childishly, there are times when they settle down and can be both thoughtful and sincere, although given the manner in which they think and express themselves, they might not seem to be serious (if they tell you they like you a dozen times in a row, they're not being silly, they mean it) or the fact that they are serious can be a troubling one (making someone shorter by cutting off the top of their head is a valid plan, really! they'll only bleed a little!). And then there are the moments in which they say or do something so precocious it's downright devious (little boys really shouldn't know the art of innuendo... and yet they do), and yet they will backtrack and say that because they're children, it's fine! At the same time, however, the twins hate when they are not taken seriously just because they are young. They'll play up their youth when it gets them what they want, and play it down when it doesn't.
As is natural for siblings, even twins, Dee and Dum do squabble at times, whether over one of the little things on which their preferences differ (ice cream flavors, best bath toy, Dum loves money and Dee loves vacation time) or over jealousy that one twin is being treated better than the other (for a while they were quite set on a battle to the death to determine who was Alice's favorite), but at the end of the day they remain far more like a single entity in two pieces than two separate brothers. They are never apart and will say, happily and matter-of-factly, that they like being twins and do not want to be told apart or treated differently. If they wanted to be distinct, explains Dee, they would put out more individuality in their appearance and behavior, but instead they cultivate their similarities and are happiest when they are treated the same (when they switch places and no one notices, this makes them the happiest of all). In their own words, if they are both liked, it doesn't matter which twin is really which. All that matters is that they are treated identically.
Powers/Abilities: Despite their young age, the twins are lethal combatants who have more than earned their "Bloody Twins" epithet. They are well-versed in in a wide variety of weapons from blades to guns to grenades to traps. As role-holders, they also have some command over time -- specifically their own. At will, Dee and Dum can change their time and advance to adult form, as well as revert back to children. This only changes their physical time, however, as their mentalities remain childish.
Items you're bringing with you: Their respective clothes and also their personal poleaxes (which can turn into color-coordinated handguns or, er, water pistols. no really).
First Person POV (Network Post):
[Well, whatever task it was the twins were assigned, they've obviously abandoned it again, because here they are clustered together at a camera again, red and blue reflections of each other.]
We want to take a break! We're bored!
We're bored, we're bored~. We should be getting paid for this.
This is more boring than having to guard the gate! No one comes along to play with us, here!
Someone should come play with us. We promise we'll be good children.
Yeah, we promise! Come on, it'll be fun!
Third Person POV (Log Post):
Their pods opened simultaneously, in perfect synchronization. They faced each other from opposite sides of the tiny room, so the first thing they could see was each other. Only after sharing a look of confusion did they pull the... things off their faces and step out from the... other things they'd been sitting in.
They instinctively stepped close together as their pods slid shut again, not particularly frightened but definitely curiously confused as they stood there, shivering cold and wet, and looking around.
"What is this, Brother?" asked Dee, wiping thick fluid from his eyes. "Where are we?"
"I don't know, Brother," answered Dum, doing the same with his own. "Are we dreaming?"
"Hmm. I don't think so. It's much too cold and wet to be a dream, don't you think?"
"We could just be having a very clear and realistic dream."
Dee cocked his head in thought. "Then are you in my dream, or am I in yours?"
The pair paused to consider this, rubbing their arms in attempt to warm back up. Dee spoke again, first.
"Wait, it doesn't work like that, does it, Brother?"
"It never has before, Brother. So if we're both here, we can't be dreaming, which means it's real. Who do you think all these other people are?"
Dum indicated the rest of the pods in the room, inside which they could make out the forms of other people sleeping with the mask-like things on their faces. The twins moved together to peer into one, and then at the strange box attached to it that danced with strange words and pictures. They didn't know what a computer was, or even a television, so the vitals monitor was nothing more than a box of light to them.
"I don't know," answered Dee. Then at a sudden thought: "Ah! Maybe Big Sister is here? Or Boss and the stupid rabbit?"
"Oh! We'd better check!"
The boys moved quickly from pod to pod, doing so out of intrigue rather than any sense of urgency, but did not find their housemates, nor anyone else they recognized. They did, however, find a door, and when it opened up to another room full of chairs and lights and panels and all kinds of things they'd never seen before, they completely forgot all about what they'd been doing.
"Amazing!" they exclaimed in unison, and rushed into the warmer room to take a closer look at everything.