Just wanted to spend a quiet night without being accused of some new atrocity. No such luck.
BigBadWillystyle: ::drinking while flipping channels::
ObiWanWarren: *walks through door clad in leather trench coat and boots, looks like spike but evil*
ObiWanWarren: sun's gone down my boy, why aren't you out?
MiladyWolf29: ::knocks on door::
BigBadWillystyle: ::looks over at warren:: you're dead. ::looks back to tv::
ObiWanWarren: *looks over to door* better answer that
ObiWanWarren: *invisible to oz*
BigBadWillystyle: ::cusses and gets up, knocking over bottles. opens door::
ObiWanWarren: oh lookie lookie here, i guess you don't have to go out after all hmm?
MiladyWolf29: you look a bit trashed
ObiWanWarren: *strolls around the living room keeping eyes on spike*
BigBadWillystyle: happens when you drink...a lot
ObiWanWarren: where's the ponce? sleeping?
MiladyWolf29: ::walks in:: ya i know how that is
ObiWanWarren: oh? you aren't going to answer me with others here? ashamed are you?
BigBadWillystyle: there a reason your here?
BigBadWillystyle: and i know your DEAD!
ObiWanWarren: hey hey hey, dead or not i have you wrapped around my undead finger...
MiladyWolf29: can't i just come here for a drink ... no not dead
ObiWanWarren: yeah..spike, he wants a drink
BigBadWillystyle: fine, drink all you like
ObiWanWarren: *goes behind oz in a mock attack to his neck*
ObiWanWarren: he may not be totally human but he's close enough....
MiladyWolf29: ::same feeling like like from last night:: ::turns around looking::
ObiWanWarren: a little rule, a little sway, a sun beam on a winters day, is all the proud and mighty have, between the cradle....and the grave
ObiWanWarren: (john dyer said it not me)
BigBadWillystyle: how the hell did i bring all this on....could of staked myself and saved the trouble
MiladyWolf29: ::raises and eyebrow::
ObiWanWarren: why would you do that mate? just get a little taste
ObiWanWarren: we are each our own devil and we make this world our hell
ObiWanWarren: (credits to oscar wilde)
MiladyWolf29: :;pours self a shot and downs it::
ObiWanWarren: darkness has taken over let it in
BigBadWillystyle: i'm not biting him. not tonight, not ever
ObiWanWarren: *singing* you can't help it you can resist everything except temptation
ObiWanWarren: (again thank you oscar)
MiladyWolf29: :looks at where he's looking and that's were i sense the thing:: who are you talking to?
ObiWanWarren: *moves towards behind oz* he's talking to himself boy
BigBadWillystyle: he's a pinball wizard...thought you came for a drink?
ObiWanWarren: spikes not to so big and bad afterall
MiladyWolf29: i did
BigBadWillystyle: am too!
BigBadWillystyle: ::vamps out::
ObiWanWarren: ah, there we go
ObiWanWarren: but you haven't convinced me quite yet
MiladyWolf29: ::downs another shot and sees spike::
ObiWanWarren: *morphs in to drusilla* come on spike my dear..it's in you, don't conceal yourself...oh, i used to be so proud,so so proud
MiladyWolf29: um.. spike..
BigBadWillystyle: ::moves toward oz:: i'm still jenny from the block
MiladyWolf29: you should put the fangs away
ObiWanWarren: *dances with the air while singing* oh yes, william
MiladyWolf29: ::takes a step back::
ObiWanWarren: william the bloody? you weren't so patient when i first kissed you good night
BigBadWillystyle: don't need you to tell me how to be bad dru ::reaches to grab Oz::
ObiWanWarren: i didn't think so
MiladyWolf29: um.. spike ::tries to get his grip off my shirt collar::
ObiWanWarren: *laughs to the sky* oh boy, my william is back!
BigBadWillystyle: ::yanks Oz closer:: could you shut up while i drink?
MiladyWolf29: drink.. no.. you don't want to drain me
ObiWanWarren: *put a finger to her dark red lips*
ObiWanWarren: *twirls around slowly*
MiladyWolf29: my blood isn't good for ya
ObiWanWarren: *whispers* ohh, yes it is, i heard wolf blood is only a step down from the slayers..
BigBadWillystyle: ::stops before drinking and shoves oz towards where he sees dru::
BigBadWillystyle: drink it yourself then!
MiladyWolf29: ::stumbles back::
ObiWanWarren: *oz's body goes right through me*
BigBadWillystyle: bloody hell!
ObiWanWarren: i already had dinner
ObiWanWarren: i am quite full actually
ObiWanWarren: my tummy has an ache spike, you do it.
BigBadWillystyle: why do you keep buggaring about with me, doesn't it get old?
MiladyWolf29: ::looks around room in general ariea of Dru::
ObiWanWarren: it isn't hard, what happened to the big bad? why do i have to keep telling you?
ObiWanWarren: i thought you would have done it yourself..*sounds feeble* i..just though i'd help you.. like you have me, all those times
BigBadWillystyle: i don't listen to you, you're not in charge of me anymore! ::throws a bottle and it hits Oz::
MiladyWolf29: ::gets hit in head stumbles back and falls ::
ObiWanWarren: *frowns* if that is your wish! *poofs out and back in to evil spike*
ObiWanWarren: tsk tsk tsk, thought you had it in you...she did too, that's the only reason she agreed to travel from australia
ObiWanWarren: we aren't trying to be in charge..not in total. you'll still have your freedom if you just give in
BigBadWillystyle: ::backing away:: no...i don't want a thing to do with this
ObiWanWarren: suit yourself. i'll be back. *dissapears through wall*
BigBadWillystyle: not looking forward to it