Title: Beyond (my beliefs and everything else)
Pairing: AJ/Hoon
Rating: PG-13
Lenght: Chaptered ( Chapter 1 ), 892 words
Summary: He taught me to see beyond...
A/N: Beta-ed by the amazing
kiccy (
The shadows around him are his only solace as he goes in deeper and deeper. )
Comments 9
please remind me by replying so i won't forget to comment ago. oh, and can i have a spot in very chapter of this? ^^
Thank you for showing interest in my story- I hope to see your comment soon <3
haha. XD
you're always welcome~ <3 yes yes.. (hoping i can be a ninja. :D)
I'm really glad people comment on my work~ Hope to hear more from you in the future dear <3
Since I'm pretty much new to writing- I'm taking my baby steps now so to say XD your comments really mean a lot ^^ And yes the story was meant to give off a sad vibe after all ;)
I think I love you.
Thats All I'm going to say for now (cause I'm late for class, FUCK >.<)
I SWEAR,I am coming back, to leave you something infinitely long, flaily and juicy to chew on
I'll be definitively looking forward to that dear ^^
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