HAY KIDS it's time for another retarded State of the Mun from Toph-mun.
First off: I've... been dropping threads a fair bit! I'm trying to keep 'em up, but eh~~~. I am, however, fine with people dropping threads with me; I'm in no way offended or anything like that. I've noticed that a lot of people feel bad for dropping threads, as I do, but-- GUYS. DON'T SWEAT IT, OKAY? It's all right. I have a feeling that most people aren't offended by thread dropping; it happens all the time. Of course, I can't speak for everyone, but I do think majority of the community feels that way! If you DO feel bad, just speak up. Telling someone "I don't feel up to threading today and will drop that thread" even when the thread is like, 4 comments long is A-OKAY. There's no need to feel guilty, we're here to have fun, etc. etc.
I personally don't usually ask to pick up a thread, but that is my own preferences. FEEL FREE TO ASK ME TO PICK UP THREADS, THOUGH, especially if you see potential in the thread. \o/ I DON'T BITE. AM MOSTLY FRIENDLY. If a little retarded at times.
I had some slight problems with her recently. I feel like my threads are bland, I lose her voice every now and then, and I'm hardly close to the awesome that is my castmates, making me tend to want to drop threads quickly. MY CASTMATES WILL TELL YOU I'M DOING GOOD but they are also awesome and supernice. ♥
I have faith that I'd shift back into a comfortable place with her, though, and I think I'm on the right track. Ish. I keep... wanting to throw her into posts/people even though I know I'm currently not in the best of places with her. I'd like her to meet more people, be rude to more people, and to make more unexpected friendships. Yeah, the unexpected friendships were always one of the best parts of playing Toph~
Toph is currently sharing equal (or less) play time as Kanon and Merry, uhm! But like I said, I have faith I'll get back to playing the blind earthbender soonish. o/
Things to do
Play more with castmates! Actually, just play her more in general! BAAAAAAAWWWW those that she actively kind of likes are rare (Toph can be sort of, and a lot of her friends are leaving. |DD Ahh~
L-lol Bloo! It's a problem with bringing him out-- once again, that'd be because he doesn't form relationships and he doesn't particularly care about others, so I don't feel inclined to jump people/play him. HENCE MY PLAY WITH BLOO IS SUFFERING. A lot. And I feel bad for asking for paid time when it comes to him since I play him lesser than I do the rest of mine, but he's the one that need the icons. Bloo is very expressive in terms of facial expressions and gestures, and-- yeah, I've always felt even his facial expressions wasn't enough. You have to really WATCH the guy and listen to his voice to really experience Bloo.
Digressing! I'm actually zen with him doing his own thing every now and then, but YAR I feel bad for asking for paid time since I play him like. Once a month for a post. :( His lack of icons is what currently is holding me back in terms in terms of play, but at the same time I kinda feel like he's. Not worth it. The answer is to play him more, really, but in the past weeks I've been busy with school work/graduation, so he gets the really short end of the stick. Hopefully this will pick up soon! Soon! Soooooon. Bloo is the sort that I'll SUDDENLY DISCOVER MY LOVE FOR again once I take him out.
Things to do
B-BRING HIM OUT orz orz orz
I've started to love playing him, despite not actually... knowing much about him. Omg Kanon ♥ Where my kids fail in maturity and depth (so to speak), Kanon makes up for it. I KNOW HIS THREADS are possibly be boring to read but. But. He's great in his own OCCASIONALLY DICKISH way. It's not every time I get to play it, given the way Kanon is, but when I get to mix his niceness, subtle jerk/rapist, not-often-displayed abilities and yet overall well-meaningness all together, it's great. lolol kanon.
He still gives me problems, though, in the oh!Great manner. I can't tell if I'm settling into his voice, or just smoking my way though his threads. When I play him too much (like in posting), I feel kinda like I'm losing his voice, since I'm not paying as much attention to the individual comments as I would if I were handling one or 2 threads. Still, something about Kanon would be that he can do anything, so... Hopefully I'm not steering too far off course! He's not someone who's going to get much character development from me (lol oh!great), and I'm basing him a lot of headcanon and generalness and all that GO GO VAGUENESS.
WHAT'S MORE though I sorta miss his icons, I can actually play this guy with 15 icons. In fact, the 15 icons that I'm left with. It's kind of. Wow. LOW-MAINTAINANCE whoooo. Handling a post with 15 icons and not really wanting to stab my eyes out is awesome.
Things to do
I'm currently zen with the amount I'm playing him! If you asked me a few days ago, I'd have said that I would like to give him a bit moreplay, but after the post I think I've had quite a bit of Kanon already. *laaughs* I need to tune Ringo! o/
Speaking of Ringo, Oh!Great has just come up with a relationship chart, where interestingly enough, Kanon's relationship with Ringo is only marked with a spanner and no hearts. I... did suspect something like that, but it still makes me orz. Lololol thx for making my suspicions right. I should essay on him on Ringo, now that that's been confirmed! ... When I'm actually not so lazy to!
I'M ALWAYS WORRIED that Merry's a boring person to thread with, but I get people saying "Merry is ADORABLE" at me which. Which makes me glad. |D I'm not too worried about my play of her, she's easy to play (Iiiii haven't slipped into a rut with her o noes have I jinxed it) and I love how she's so cute and toppy in her own loli way; the right mix of polite and childishness and empathy. Interacting with the big brother types, fellow lolis and the POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS TYPES are all fun and "awwww" inducing. I think she's the one who's unknowningly gotten herself the biggest mafia, out of my lot. lulz go Merry goooo.
Things to do
I don't have anything with her right now, iirc...? Perhaps a loli tea party. |Db
TL;DR the end. Wow that was a whole lot of nothing, but I just felt like rambling, okay. If you've been meaning to play with any of mine, drop me a note-- I'll try to look out for you to jump :Db