76 questions Repost this but
Tell the truth
What have YOU done... BE TRUTHFUL!!!
1.smoked a cigarette? Negative
2.smoked a cigar - nope
3.made out with a member of the same sex ? yeah... i was a little wasted though.
4.crashed a friend's car ? no although i almost ran into a tree. ha.
5.stolen a car ? Nope
6.been in love? think it is love right now but probably isnt.
7.been dumped ? yes
8.shoplifted ? uhhh.. well... YEAH!
9.been fired? no.. buti quit.
10.been in a fist fight? yes it was wuite amusing to me
11.snuck out of ur house? no suprising huh?
12.had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? yeah.. dont we all
13.been arrested ? no but cam close
14.made out with a stranger? yea it was on a boat n i dont even remember his name.. icall him the boat mann. ha
15.gone on a blind date ? that would be a negative.
16.lied to a friend? yea alot!
17.had a crush on a teacher? HECK YESSS.... McGavin damn is he hott or what!
18.skipped school ? uh huh
19.slept with a co-worker? no but my boss was a hotttayy....
20.seen someone die ? well not exactly seen her die but my mom knew she was dying n i had to say goodbye to her. :(
21.been on a plane ? nope
22.thrown up in a bar ? no n hopefully never do
23.taken painkillers ? yea i took like 7 vikadin one time n almost overdosed so scary!!!! ahh.
24.love someone or miss someone right now ? yes n it totally sucks we can be together! or actually he wont.
25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by ? yea..
26.made a snow angel ? who ever hasnt was deprived as a child n a young adult.
27.played dress up? i still do somtimes to take cute pics.
28.cheated while playing a game ? lol yeah.... oops
29.been lonely ? yup everyday.
30.fallen asleep at work/school ? yea only in cetain classes though.
31.used a fake id - nope i need to get one though SOON!
32.felt an earthquake - nope
33.touched a snake - i dont know actually.. i think so.
34.ran a red light - noppe i dont dirve... well legally that is!
35.been suspended from school- yeah only like once. it was for a dumb reason though! writing on the bathroom walls ha.
36.had detention ? yes
37.been in a car accident - yeah nothing major though.
38.hated the way you look- uh huh at times i think we all do
39.witnessed a crime - I'm not too sure.
40.pole danced ? no way.. im not that kinky.
41.been lost - yeah
42.been to the opposite side of the country- no the farthest i've been is indiana
43.felt like dying - no NEVER! well actually maybe once or twice. it sucks when that feeling comes along.
44.cried yourself to sleep - yes plenty.
45.played cops and robbers? only wen was little. role playing in the near future im sure! haha.
46.karaoke ? up north.
47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yes like two weeks ago i did.
48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- noly once al burger king it was the funniest thing EVER!
49.caught a snowflake on your tongue - yeah.. not too tasty.
50.kissed in the rain ? no but i want to it would be cute!! any takers?
51.sing in the shower? of course it keeps me occupied i dance as well.
52.made love in a park ? no but in the boys locker room.
53.had a dream that you married someone ? nope
54.glued your hand to something? glued fingers to fingers with nail glue
55.got your tongue stuck to a flag pole-? no weird.
56.worn the opposite sex's clothes - uh huh.
57.been a cheerleader ? yea sophomore year! t was so so fun wish i was still one!
58.sat on a roof top ? yeah
59.didn't take a shower for a week ? ewww. no gross
60.ever too scared to watch scary movies alone ? yea i hate scary movies by myself.
61.played chicken ? uh huh yup yup
62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ? i dont think so
63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger ? yea
64.broken a bone - no fracture i think but never broke.
65.been easily amused ? yes anything cathes my eyes
66.laugh so hard you cry - ya
67.mooned/flashed someone ? well..... YES!
68.cheated on a test? only a few times
69.forgotten someone's name ? no not really. unless it was s tranger i only met once i have a GREAT memory! most of the imtw!
70.slept naked? yea once or twice
71.gone skinny dipping in a pool? uh huh
72.been kicked out of your house ? she tired then apologized before i left.
73.blacked out from drinking ? nope
74.played a prank on someone ? yes n it was the best by far! brian bedard!
75.gone to a late night movie ? yes
76.made love to anything not human? no are you sick!
Can you bleive i was that bored at this time in the mornin'.