Meme time!

Apr 08, 2010 09:06

Stole this one from men_in_full . I'll put it behind a cut so it isn't so crazy long!

[1] Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up.
1. My iced coffee
2. My hot new phone, LG Env Touch
3. A comfortable looking leather couch I want to take a nap on now!
4. A printer that hates me
5. A phone that won't stop ringing! (Yes, I am at work)

[2] How do you style your hair?
Shaved. No designs. Maybe lightning bolts some day.

[3] What are you wearing now?
Shorts and a green Guinness T-Shirt, ah the wonders of a casual office!

[4] If you could spend an hour with any one person of your choice (be they dead or alive) who would it be?
Walt Disney. or maybe Robert Earl Hughes. Those are dead ones, as for living peeps I would say Geoff Johns (Comic Writer), Joss Whedon (Buffy creator) or Kevin Smith (Director and funny fat guy)

[5] Do you nap a lot?
I used to love a good nap. Now, I can take em or leave em.

[6] Who was the last person you hugged?
My friend Sara.

[7] What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Oddly enough I don't think I really have any at the moment. Weird.

[8] What was the last thing you ate today?
Some blueberry-pomegranate yogurt.

[9] What was the last text you received?
A guy offering to rub my overheated body down with ice cubes. Sadly, it could not happen. lol.

[10] What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Gmail, Twitter, Facebook,

[11] What was the last thing you bought?
A window screen, a remote control fan, two wooden shelves, a plastic box and a bag of salt n vinegar chips.

[12] What are you listening to right now?
Morning talk radio crap and a loud printer.

[13] What do you think about before you go to bed at night?
What craziness will tomorrow bring? How long can I keep this up?

[14] What is your favorite food?
Cheese. mmmm. Definitely, cheese.

[15] What is your favorite weather, and why?
A rainy day when it is in the low seventies or high 60s. I am not sure why but I love the rain and I really love the smell of wet pavement. I like it to be warm enough when it rains for me to keep the window open so I can feel intermittent drops.

[16] If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I would love to master the kazoo.

[17] How are you?
Eh, ask me again later. It has been a rough week!

[18] If you could make a movie, what genre would it be?
Probably Horror or Sci-Fi. Something fat or superhero related maybe, or I would love to see some of my ideas of Nightmare on Elm Street sequels get made. hehe.

That's all for now!
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