Title: Serenity (4/4)
Summary: A short epilogue for “Serenity”: Sam and Dean keep on keeping on.
Word count: 650
Rated: pg-13 (Language)
Notes:Set S5
Genre: Gen, AU
Characters: Sam, Dean
greeneyes_fan is still delightful!
Disclaimer: Supernatural and it's characters belongs to WB/The CW, I own nothing and make no money.
Five months later, things could be worse. Sam’s driving- not unusual these days- and the highway in front of them is mostly empty and pleasantly sunlit.
“You wanna stop for burgers?” he asks Dean. It’s a formality; Dean doesn’t talk anymore, and he sure doesn’t eat hamburgers. He sits up straight, though, and he can swallow food that doesn’t need chewing. He looks like a normal person, if you don’t pay attention to the way his eyes wander and how his mouth tends to hang slightly open.
Back at Bobby’s, in the first weeks, they set him up with an I.V. and catheter, the later of which is still necessary. At first Sam had refused, insisted on trying to feed and clean Dean himself. Plugging his brother into plastic bags to do his living for him felt too permanent. Admittedly, Sam couldn’t think all that clearly in those early weeks, not with Dean catatonic. There are still times when he can’t. On the whole, though, he’s adjusting. Nobody’d say it was easy, but Sam tries to be grateful: They’re alive, and that’s something.
There have been improvements over time, too, which is reason enough for Sam to hope. If Sam positions himself just right and says Dean’s name loudly, his brother’s eyes focus on his face. Like Dean can understand him. Bobby looks skeptical when Sam explains, but Dean seems more alert lately. He’s been vocalizing, even- not words, but little vowel sounds that, to Sam’s ears, seem like communication.
The mix tape Sam made for the trip, a compilation of Dean’s old favorites, fades out on Back in Black and Motorhead’s infamous riff starts up.
“Ace of Spades, huh?” Sam says for his own benefit, and turns up the dial. A glance to the side tells him Dean’s smiling, another sporadic reaction to the outside world that Bobby doesn’t take seriously. Sam knows the older man’s only trying to be practical, but it’s still frustrating how he refuses to see that Dean’s still in there, somewhere.
It’s nice to be on the road again with just his brother. This is the first time they’ve driven to get somewhere, not just to be in the Impala for the comfort of it. Sam’s located Raphael’s vessel, thankfully to the south where the destruction wasn’t as bad. Apparently he’s doing well, considering he was unconscious at the center of freshly extinguished ring of fire when the rescuers found him in that old abandoned house. Ironically, without the huge relief efforts brought on by Michael’s battle, he probably would have died there. Thing is, Donnie Finnerman’s got the same problem as Dean, though less severely and with a few more months of recovery. It will be a glimpse at Dean’s future, an indication of what Sam has to look forward to.
The hospital is small, but the building and the lawn look well-kept. The old trees around the perimeter provide a bit of shade, but the general impression is one of sunlight and fresh, open air. Sam plans on playing to psychiatrist, with Dean adding credibility as a patient. He smiles to himself as he pops the wheelchair from the trunk open and shrugs on a white coat.
“Breaking and entering, false identities…just like old times,” he whispers in his brother’s ear when he helps him into the char. And Dean doesn’t just grace him with his old, sunny grin, he looks straight up at him while he does it.
It doesn’t really matter what they find inside, Sam realizes with a slow, peaceful feeling. If Donnie’s as responsive as the nurse on the phone seemed to think, so much the better. But even if the man’s still drooling in a wheelchair Sam’s not going to give up hope. Whatever happens, they’re brothers and they’re together. Yeah, Sam thinks, they’re gonna be okay.
A/N: My longest fic to date! Thanks for reading, and a super-special brand of gratitude for the people who commented as I was posting. You guys rock!