Title: The Difference Between Me &You is that You’re not on Fire
Summary: “It seems like he ends up doing this song and dance at every school, eventually. There’s a certain way that teachers in any town react to boys in ill-fitting clothes who miss three days out of ten and come back with unexplained bruises and cuts.”
Word count: 1,000
Rated: pg-
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Comments 20
In a way It kinda was a little bit of child abuse that John made his sons hunt at such a young age. Especially Dean. Poor Dean, I really wish he had better opinion of himself.
I think Dean really ever thinks much about himself, or about who he is and how he thinks may not be very healthy.
I don't think that it's canon or anything that John would hit the boys, but I kind of wanted to explore Dean's exceptionalism when it comes to his dad, and the negative side of all that. As you point out, hunting itself is almost abuse.
Thanks for the comment, it's always nice to know I'm not shouting into the void!
Good job.
I am such a fan of Dean with issues, and especially jaded, condescending, in denial Dean with issues, so I adore this.
Thank you for commenting, btw- I'm so flattered you check my fic!
Lovely, wonderful character voice and fluidly assembled.
I would posit that it is little different than many rural fathers who take their children hunting for game; instead of hunting for food, the Winchesters hunt to protect others and to learn to protect themselves. Getting hurt during the course of such activity is not unusual; children who went game hunting also can get hurt from falls, unfriendly plants (poison ivy, anyone?) or even being attacked by the prey as well.
There are many parents of this world who put their children into jeopardy daily out of sheer necessity. To John's mind, what he did and how he raised his kids was purely out of necessity. Hence, it is a matter-of-fact examination of the life Winchesters.
Thank you for a lovely fic.
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