"Too busy for a full update now. Will give one later.
"But I thought I should share this:
The Republicans will lose enough seats to lose their majority, including a few seats they weren't expecting. It will be a minor landslide, enough to let the Democrats regain some faith in the system.
This is exactly what the neo-cons want, however. They are more concerned about keeping control of all the voting machines for the 2008 election. If they rig the votes too soon, their play will be exposed, and this will blow the cover into a giant corruption scandal.
Even if Americans did riot over this, the neo-cons could just bring out the police to beat them down. But that's not what they're going to do. Instead, they're going to let these elections go, letting just enough Democrats win to not cause too much damage to their agenda. (At this point, Bush and the remainder of his policies are expendable. He has already done what he set out to do, and that was to consolidate world power for the Republican party.)
Needless to say, the Democrats who enter into congress will be met with the same bitter gridlock they've given the Republicans the past 6 years. Since Democrats are traditionally less skilled at corrupt dealings and underhanded rule-bending, they'll pass a lot fewer bills.
When 2008 comes, the Republicans will win again in another one of the "closest races in electoral history". The winner will either be Jeb Bush or John McCain. What happens there depends on the man, but in either case it will likely be a continued consolidation of power into the executive branch, until eventually the Supreme Court and Congress sell their powers to check the president down the river.
In short, none of the revolutionary turnarounds everyone is hoping for in US domestic or foreign policy will happen. Iraq (as of today the new estimated civilian death toll is 655,000+) will still remain the Vietnam of the noughties well into the next president's term, Americans will continue to get fatter (although a token gesture towards promoting fitness will be high on the next president's agenda), the price of oil will pass $6.00/gallon within the next 4-6 years (which will prompt Ford to make a Hummer hybrid), and healthcare savings accounts and credit cards will become a commonplace reality (mostly because 80% of Americans won't be able to afford health insurance).
In good news, the minimum wage will be raised within the next 6 years, by as much as $0.50/hour. Of course, that will mean dinner for two at Chili's will cost a day's wages.
"In case you're wondering, this isn't the reason why I left, but I do sleep better now..."