I think two of my favorite things in the entire world are making psychoanalysises on people (as the pretentious ass I really am) and excavating any dead animal bones that I find (as the weirdo that I really am). More generally, anything involving psychology, neurology or general anatomy = ♥♥
Off that topic, I'm really hungry. Time for breakfast.
Smert and talented, but far too lazy and unmotivated to do much with it. Insecure. Jesusgod, I think the worst realization i ever had was that people were worth more than things because that was the moment i actually started caring what people thought.
Anything further I could add would really just be an extension of laziness and insecurity
jeebusgad. i just realized how much i really do enjoy biology when in chemistry class i was hit with the urge to draw some ulna's and do research on neurology.