May 8 2011: reporting with pics. And stuff. And cosplay.

May 09, 2011 11:30

Warning: Pic heavy post, random ramblings, family (my ugly mug! xD) and cosplay under the cut.

Was awake from 12am of May 8 when I realized that I haven't finished my Arte Stella Russia cosplay yet. At around 6am my sewing machine decided enough is enough and broke its needle, and I just didn't have time to spare, so I went as Arte Stella Austria instead (I had the stuff for it in my closet forever, I just never bothered to add the clovers on the shirt and pants xD;) But before that we had to go home to our grandfather's house to celebrate my uncle's birthday in advance.

Stepdad and mom at the local fastfood joint we had breakfast in.

Sister and I. I was pretty hyper throughout the day because of the lack of sleep, while my sister was sleepy until we got to the convention xD; The dissonance in mood is a bit obvious here.

We went home for the seafood. *is totally honest that I was going "Crab! oysters! ♥" the whole time*

The small group of people who were home. That would be two cousins, two aunts, my uncle, my grandpa, and mom and me. ^^;

The weather was pretty bad the whole day. It was gloomy, and while we were having lunch it started to rain. Lucky yesterday was the Pacquiao-Moseley fight so there were little to no traffic throughout our trip. *w* Anyway, convention time!

HongKong + I'm sure I know this cosplay but would rather not embarrass herself by asking the cosplayer.

Sister buying indie comics. We pretty much went there only to buy some series we've been following.

A very accommodating Taiwan who even opened her umbrella when I asked for a picture. ♥

Plushies! Plushies! Almost bought the Be-boy on display btw.

Sister with the seller of plushies. They were negotiating over yarn the whole time. I left to take more pictures.

Imitation black, a complete set. I'm pretty sure I've seen the Len alone before.

Snuck a picture of her while someone else was taking a picture of -

yeah. *w*

Nyotalia!England. So cute~♥ Also probably the only person who has a pic of me as Austria xD;

She offered Kyuubey to grant me a wish. I went D: I saw her again outside and she went "Now you want a wish?" and I went "NO!" outside the hall. xD;

Met with Medith (she'll be our England for Austrian Succession) and somehow ended up chatting with her for an HOUR without meaning to. >_> Will see her next weekend for a full planning session with the group.

Because it is not enough to have ONE Darth Vader. We need TWO dammit!

Twins from Dogs: Bullet and Carnage. Notice that they are relatively similar to each other. I've seen this cosplay before but if you're not the same height/have similar features it just doesn't work out too well.

Meiko with a cosplay that had me going "looks familiar~"

One with Chobits and Miku.

She will be the Prussia in our Austrian Succession group for one of the cons soon.

Yes, they love to hug each other. XD;

Fandom hug train!

The Spain of our Austrian Succession group. Had to hug her just for the sake of the Hapsburg. They went "ooooh!" when they noticed I was in Arte Stella mode. And I think they have plans to go as Arte Stella too soon.

Sad Prussia is sad. D:

Tallest America I've ever encountered. So tall she towered over me! That is very rare, somehow, unless people are wearing heels. Also there were jokes about how sexy the pose was xD;

Apparently the boobs in the costume weren't her real boobs. Much poking occurred. America simply looks like a perv xD;

More interesting I know these cosplays dammit mode. :|

Cute Cloud! Wish there was a pretty Zack~ I've seen Zack cosplayers before but there's always something not quite right about them. >_> Either the wig or build or something.

AA:AJ Ema Skye! I was glad to finally see her - we saw her earlier at the indie comics section but then lost her. Got this pic just before we left for home.

Childhood! Ranma's bangs were all wrong, and I stopped them while they were getting food, but who could resist? *w*

No con will be complete without awesome mecha builds. Or two. Or three.

The cosplayer had someone behind her at all times to keep her wig from hitting other people. ^_^

Miku! She was accompanied by her boyfriend, I believe. It was cute~♥

So uh. My sister's boyfriend sent a message saying he was worried that we wouldn't be able to go home because the mall was flooded. We went "FLOODED WHAT?" and on our way to the bus saw this. The marked off area was from uh, the connecting part between building A and building B (the one with the arcades) up to the furniture section of Building B. It was kinda unsettling and we worried about getting home then. Fortunately, it was raining, but it wasn't raining hard enough to give us problems getting on a bus and then an fx home. We spent the trip listening to Arashi and trying to figure out who's singing what part.

My room is a mess because of the rush sewing job that ended up being a waste when my needle broke, so I still need to clean up. Back to work again later, and I'm already dreading the client calibration this Wednesday night.
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