In my experience, it's easy to spot outsourced code. You just need to leave an obvious howler in the middle of the spec ... er, homework question, that British developers/students would query. When the solution comes back, bizarrely coded to work *around* the trap you've left, you know it's been outsourced :-)
Heh. I've probably mentioned this before but a council outsourced its housing benefit application to India in the early days of such madness. They got back a beautifully coded application, that conformed perfectly to the spec in every respect... one.
The developers could not understand the concept of people being given money by the local council, so the application printed bills. They were correct to the penny, but bills they were, giros they were not ;)
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The developers could not understand the concept of people being given money by the local council, so the application printed bills. They were correct to the penny, but bills they were, giros they were not ;)
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