god ettermiddag (see Norwegian is close to Swedish!) (prounced goo et tay may dahg (ah sound in the dahg) Although, it's no longer afternoon it's late night here in Vegas, so I should say - god natt (goo not). BTW, the word "bra" is used in Nowegian too.
Sorry about you kid being diagnosed with diabetes. I know it can be hard and frustrating, but you seem to have a great attitude (like always).
I can only "speak" it with the help of my handy-dandy online translator. Dana took Swedish class this summer but it was a short class and she can't remember everything. I can't wait till Swedish Culture Days start back up this fall and I can take free classes! There are paid classes but they are expensive.
Comments 3
Sorry about you kid being diagnosed with diabetes. I know it can be hard and frustrating, but you seem to have a great attitude (like always).
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