Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot.( Read more... )
Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot.( Read more... )
Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot.
Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot. ( Read more... )
Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot. ( Sungmin stared blankly at the door, his mouth gaping open. )
Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot.
Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot.
Title: Obvious Author: blue-gamer Rating: PG (for this chapter) Genre: Fluff, Romance. Pairing: Kyumin Summary: Kyuhyun and Sungmin are neighbours. Disclaimer: I only own the plot.