having the majority of your friends be male is the way to do it. you get to skip the drama that females bring into friendships and you get to flirt with boys you love. works better with some boys than with others, but i still think it's the best ever. yay for 21!
Hey yo its cool... like real... Keep it ya know what i'm saying. The more guys ah who cares I am going to echo the other comment it is a good thing. Actually my friend majority is women so not too bad. I have never been to Utah but since I was young always wanted to live there... Maybe someday I will but I am living in the rockies for 6 weeks this summer exciting eh! HAHA oh yea and I almost forgot HI glad to see everything lookin gup for ya!
Oh sorry yo... How rude of me... my friends call me Larry I go to western michigan University and I was just checking out the sites of people that were intrested in paleontology. Just posting trying to give ya a little encouragement because I do know many in the boat of many opposite gender friends and now many same gender. Anyway have a great day!
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