Okay, Heroes was great last night, but a few things about it pissed me off.
Mostly about Hiro and the waitress. (Shit, I can't remember most of the characters' names if they weren't repeated over and over.) DAMMIT they were about to kiss!!! ARGH so frustrating... so to what time did Hiro jump to after that?! Because if he never got back to that moment where he was with the waitress, then that means she'll still be stuck in Japan BY HERSELF. She'll have to assume he just up and left her while she had her eyes closed, or that something happened to him. She'll feel terribly abandoned, because she'd just opened herself up to him, and now he's gone... she'll go back home in tears, horribly depressed, and... then what?
Did the meeting of Hiro and his friend and the waitress just get erased, after that? Because I want to know how come Time didn't just break to pieces.
It pissed me off when, as Hiro jumped back in the first place to save her, we were left with the OTHER GUY. Time should have been completely rewritten after that, so he shouldn't have any memories of this. I guess if Hiro teleported back to the same moment, but couldn't pinpoint the location, he'd have to take the bus from wherever he was.
So, um, did he appear somewhere else in Japan and have to take the bus to get back to the US?? Is that why it took so damned long? Even then, it's frustratingly stupid. The fact that he can jump through time should make his "timing" simple. The only way that the writers of this show can explain those problems away is the mere excuse that Hiro hasn't mastered his power yet. In fact, except for a few key times early on, he downright sucks at it. Especially the jumping, as opposed to pausing it.
My biggest issue, then, is the waitress's character, who was virtually abandoned after we learned about the blood clot in her brain. I liked her character, and they just sort of leave her in the dust without an explanation as to what happened. Maybe Hiro doesn't know. I seriously doubt the writers have any clue, since they certainly aren't showing US how that got solved. All I see from here is a big shoulder shrug from the producers.
And since nobody knows how the fuck to explain that, they just skim over it. I HATE TIME TRAVEL FOR EXACTLY THIS REASON. Nobody gets it right. EVER.
Moving on. The guy who calls himself Sylar just went nuts. Okay, fine. He also has a shitty concept of evolution, in spite of his having read the book.
But wait--did he absorb the telekinetic powers of Brian Davis by killing him?? Maybe THAT'S Sylar's power. o_O Because I doubt the Indian guy (what's his name) responsible for the search was WRONG in his pinpointing that Sylar (whatever his real name was) was a super. He just couldn't identify WHAT it was with simple tests. Likewise, he wouldn't be able to identify a power like Peter Patrelli's either without certain circumstances arising.
Which is fine... it reminds me of Pier's Anthony's first book in the Xanth series, A Spell for Chameleon, in which Bink's super power is simply self-protection from every other super power. It's more original, and it makes sense as an excellent power to hide from other people.
As opposed to Claire's power, which SCREAMS "Here I am!"
Another thing I want to know is whether or not Mr. Bennet is a super power. I don't think he is, but... what he did with the chick who uses hypnotic persuasion... the fact that he was able to deflect her power is interesting, although they hint that the black nurse guy standing around the corner is the real reason her power isn't working. Although I thought that guy was a memory-eraser, not a power-deflector. I'm interested to see how that gets explained.
And I'm also not that worried about Niki's husband: he'll hopefully just phase right through the bullet or something.
Now they're saying one of them's going to die. Even though the waitress already died... eh. So who is it?
Looking at it story-wise, I would have to guess the painter. His power was cool, but he has to get high to use it, and he's still trying to quit drugs. If he succeeds, probably no more painting. If he fails, what's left of the future to see that we need to know? That plot hook is starting to wear out it's welcome now that the season's almost over, so I suspect he'll be the one who kicks the bucket.
But it's a theory. As much as I like his character, better him than the characters I like even more... those being Claire, Peter, Hiro, and the entire Niki group.