Back in Donia for a bit. Still working at Wilson Farms. I've made some new buddys through working there which is sweet. Not much else to say. I'm either working or sleeping
I work at Wilson Farms on Lake St. in Leroy. I also still live in LeRoy. I love it there. Except the part of being alone. That's kindof gay. But you cant always have it your way. So come and visit me at work.
Well I almost got into another car accident My car didn't have any breaks and I almost t-boned some van. Luckily I was able to swerve onto the shoulder and coast to a stop. But it was still fucked up. Less then two miles away from my mom's house I could have died. And what made it worse I have no e-break. I was driving a death trap!!
Things are a little different now. I have a job. I'm out of school finally. I'll be moving out as soon as this deal is finished. That's about it. Some update huh?