Title: Where Every Heartbeat Creates A Tiny Void Inside
Pairing: HaeHyuk
Genre: Drabble; Angst, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own them in my delusional world. :)
Warning: character death.
Summary: When pain marks the progression of deterioration and leads to the birth of the void; a half empty shell.
paradigm_twist A/N: I have absolutely no idea what I'm
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Comments 9
First stop, I'd like to tell you. YES. THE THEME OF THE PROMPT IS IN THIS :D Don't know what you're worried about :) And yes. YOU CAN WRITE ANGST. You just needed motivation. It's a good thing I came up with this. You've done good.
The ending. With the hospital bed and the final goodbye! T-T it's so sad. painful even :/
But you! Your payback is just so painful @.@
Seriously this fic gave me a hard time. I even dreamt about EunHae one night because i was too engrossed with this thing. AIYOH.
I SO CANNOT WRITE ANGST. that is YOUR forte. :3 I like READING angst. WRITING them is a whole new different thing. LOL. Well at least I tried, HAHAHA. :)
The ending wasn't exactly how i wanted it to be. I wanted a happier ending but then again, if Donghae survived, there will be no void left. LOL. SORRY HAE. D:
YES MY PAYBACK. I CAN'T WAIT TO READ YOURS. But you have nothing to be worried about. I'm facing the SAME problem as you. NEVER experienced love before in my life, you think i can write romance? XD MATI TOGETHER is what I said. :) ILY.
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Yes i killed Hae. ;A; SORRY. It had to be done. /stabs self
You have no idea how happy you made me with your comment. Saying this is beautiful makes me want to hug you right now. :) Truly appreciate it even though I know I need A LOT of improvement. <3
YES SOOK KWAN. I think I need a while to make her realize that. ;__; You don't know how long it took me to convince her to step into the world of fanfic. D: HAHAHA.
Again, thanks for reading! :) ILY.
/hands you tissues.
Yes. The worst thing I can do to break up wonderful Eunhae is kill one of them off. /feels guilty Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. D: I think I need to write another happier fic for them to compensate this. LOL.
But thanks for reading and commenting! :)
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