LJ community icons100: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring: General Moviemerlin_emrysOctober 22 2005, 01:58:25 UTC
Hi, I'm one of the mods at the LJ community, icons100.
I wanted to make sure that you were aware that the subject that you hold, " Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring: General Movie " has gone past its 10-week deadline (from 8/05 until 10/21). I noticed that you last posted new icons on 8/08, and that you have 87 icons left to go.
Do you still want to make icons for this topic (in which case, you'll need to request an extension at the subject claims list (link listed below))? Please let me know, regardless of the answer, so I'll know whether or not to remove your claim from the subject claims list ( http://www.livejournal.com/community/icons100/233367.html ). If I don't hear back from you by 10/26, I'll assume you're no longer interested and remove you from that claim.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you.
Thanks for the comment on my icon i almost died when my friend made me it. sorry this may seem a little weird that i am commenting back to you here. i felt that it may be unappropriate to comment back at the other LJ.
hahaha. it's okay. i make typos all the time and feel unintelligent. then again most of the time i'm not. my friend makes some pretty nice icons if you are ever interested. she has an icon lj and her username is justcallmect. =)
okay this is totally random but i think that it is totally awesome that you live in london. so me and my friend who is justcallmect want to learn some british slang. i'm sorry if this is pretty weird but well we are weird. so i was wondering since i keep continuing this lj comment "chat" if i could be friended?
Comments 14
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Ohh Birmingham? I'm going there next Monday on a trip to Cadbury Land =D lol
I wanted to make sure that you were aware that the subject that you hold, " Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring: General Movie " has gone past its 10-week deadline (from 8/05 until 10/21). I noticed that you last posted new icons on 8/08, and that you have 87 icons left to go.
Do you still want to make icons for this topic (in which case, you'll need to request an extension at the subject claims list (link listed below))? Please let me know, regardless of the answer, so I'll know whether or not to remove your claim from the subject claims list ( http://www.livejournal.com/community/icons100/233367.html ). If I don't hear back from you by 10/26, I'll assume you're no longer interested and remove you from that claim.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you.
Heh, it don't matter =]
damn typos
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Sure I'll add you =P
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