Title: the art of Kim Heechul
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Eunhyuk
Rating PG-16
a/n: I miss you all
Kyuhyun ran his fingers through his hair, “aish...” this had been the third time since he’s been in china, that his love had worried about his well-being. Did I mention that hews only been there for a week? He felt his phone vibrate; he took it out of his back pocket and flipped it open. Sure enough…worried lover. “Kyu-ah! How are you? Are you eating right? Has Donghae touched you?” he smiled warmly at his lover.
“Hello to you too Hyuk-ah.”
“YA! Don’t change the subject!”
He sighed a little, but that warm smiling never leaving his face. “Baby~” he knew the older swooned at his deep voice, and how the other loved being called ‘baby’ by him. “If I wasn’t okay, im sure hankyung-hyung would send you to me and let you nurse me.” He smiled. “Okay Hyukjae?”
He heard grumbling on the other end, “okay fine, how’s your diet? You’re eating, right? I really hate it when you don’t e-“
“Hyukkie… Calm down okay? Yes, I’ve eaten. Han made us rice” the older gave out a long sigh.
“shocker.” Eunhyuk giggled.
The magnae smiled, “your so cute Hyung.”
On the other side, eunhyuk felt his face flush scarlet, “y-yah... doesn’t say silly things, you know im sexy!”
“Right,” he chuckled, “next time you’re asking for it, ill reminds you that you’re finally sexy.” The younger smirked and chuckled again.
“k-Kyuhyun-ah!” eunhyuk felt he grin widely.
“Yes hyukkie?”
“Don’t talk so lightly about that!” Kyuhyun got up and walked to the kitchen invaded by ryeowook, Zhoumi and Henry.
“Hey Kyuhyun! Nice fan service today!” zhoumi squeaked.
Eunhyuk frowned, “FAN SERVICE?”
Kyuhyun pulled the phone from his ear a little so his hearing wasn’t damaged.
“YAH! CHO KYUHYUN!” Kyuhyun frowned at zhoumi
“Now hyukkie is mad you Chinese pelican!
Eunhyuk butted in, “NO SHIT!”
“Calm down hyukkie,” he cooed. Henry knows that if Eeteuk finds out that eunhyuk yelled at his ‘baby’ then eunhyuk will get bumbled.
“Kyuhyun-Hyung let me try with my powers of being one of the magnaes!” Kyuhyun handed him the phone.
“Hyuk-jae Hyung! It’s Henry! Do you miss me Hyung?”
Eunhyuk's lips formed a tight line, “ of course not Henli!! How is the baby?”
“… Im not a baby… im nearly 20, Hyung.”
“Aw~ still an adorable teenager!!”
Henry sighed, “Im not adorable! Im cute!”
“Actually, im sure your both~”
“I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU! IM TELLING TEUKIE-UMMA!” he pouted and gave the phone back to Kyuhyun.
“Eunhyuk?” Eunhyuk heard Henry in the background crying, most likely to Ryeowook, that ‘eunhyuk-Hyung is a meanie pants.’
“Yes sir?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too…”
Kyuhyun sat on the couch, “you know I could only love you.”
“I don’t know...i mean, you and Zhou mi looked pretty snuggly.” Eunhyuk held the phone with his shoulder and inspected his nails in a sassy manner. He had defiantly been hangout with Heechul far too long. He could only blame Imitate Note.
“Aw, you know it’s just fan service!”
“Fine…” he pulled his legs to his chest and smirked, “prove it.”
Kyuhyun opened his mouth to talk but there was already a dead tone.
Eunhyuk had hung up on him!
“Aish…ZHOUMI! Why did you have to open your mouth?”
The Chinese man pouted, “Well he already told Sungminnie...so we’re even!”
“Sungmin?” he furrowed his brow.
“yeah.” Zhoumi blushed hard, “he confessed to me before we left and now that your boyfriend has a big mouth,” a dirty though swept across his mind, “, sungmin thinks I like you! And um, NO!”
Kyuhyun sighed and opened his phone from a text message alert.
To: kyute
From: Van Monkey-holler
…I want you to do something that you would never
Do and let that prove your love to me
Something he would never do? Hm. He pondered for a few minutes and frowned the biggest frown he has ever made. Ryeowook sat next to him and crossed his legs, “what’s the matter kyu?”
“Eunhyuk will forgive me if I, ‘do something I’ve never done before’.”
He heard HankYung and Siwon laughter, “Ahahaha!! He’s been with Heechul too much.”
Kyuhyun shot them a confused look, “huh?”
Siwon chuckled hard and wiped a fake tear, he left to his and hankyung’s shared bed room. HankYung yelled after Siwon, “If we do that wonnie, Heenim will get mad at us!”
“Does he expect us to wait like 4 months? Heck no! Get yourself in here a.s.a.p!”
HankYung rolled his eyes, “anyways, Kyuhyun...eunhyuk wants you to have webcam sex with you.”
“WHAAA? N-no!! He’s to-“he almost said innocent but he knew that would be completely wrong. He remembered when eunhyuk got turned on by Kyuhyun eating a rice ball. He sighed.
“So basically I have to?”
HankYung nodded.
Kyuhyun knew that summed up every question he had…besides one. “Does heechul-hyung make you and Siwon have sex with him on the cam watching you?”
HankYung nodded again, more shameful.
“Im sorry Gege...”
“It’s okay...its just I like to have sex with shiwonnie without Heechul sometimes.” That’s when Ryeowook took his leave.
“Yeah, well I guess I’ll get to that now...” he got up and stretched. “See you later ge.” And walked to his room that he shared with Donghae that was currently finding zhoumi.
“Yup, see you later kyu-ah!” he got up, took of his apron, when he heard a low voice consol him.
“Leave it on.” He turned to the doorframe of his shared bed room with Siwon.
He blushed and saw his manly lover leaning against the frame, arms crossed and smirk plastered on his sinless lips with eyes glued to hannie’s ass eyes.